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Mr Christian Grey has a thing for Anastasia so I asked if Mia was free to date and he said since he knows me well it is fine with him, since she is now single after Gregg ran for the hills. I knew the story of the house because I was born and raised in Seattle. I am under contract with the Grey Entertainment Group. We do everything in the field of entertainment. I travel everywhere and can do it all. I am now in management and make a lot of cash and have a sideline business as well. Both the Grey brothers are investors of my catering businesses that cater to all areas of the entertainment industry. I got Mia's number and I am going to be taking her out as much as I can before I have to go on location. I have seen her photos and asked if I could meet her, but her and my schedule had never afforded us to meet. So her brothers found a way for it to happen on Halloween night. They wanted me to help scare Gregg Davis off and along with three ghosts and my team we were successful. I have had a crush on Mia for a while, unfortunately the timing was off.
Drew Morgan is very interesting and his family has been in Seattle all his life. We have went out three out of seven days of the week for months. He has to go on location and will be back for Christmas and has invited me to a New Year's Eve event. He wants to take me to a few premiers that he was invited as part of the crew members. Christian and Elliott somehow approves of Drew and that is a good thing. We have a lot to talk about I am amazed at how interesting Drew is to talk to. He told me something about Gregg later and showed me where the guy was looking for something in the house. I asked Anastasia about the safes and she told me to never discuss that with anyone ever. She told that it was for my safety and to tell her if anyone asks me about them to tell them I knew nothing about safes. She said the less I knew the safer I am. Drew invited me to go and see him on the location he traveled to, but I had too much to do to go. The divorce from Tanner was kept quiet and for good reasons, he had my whole family fooled. My dad noticed something on my wedding day and pulled me aside and showed me in private a video of him saying that he would be emptying out my trust funds once he was added to my accounts. My family had suspicions and created the prenuptial agreements. What it failed to cover was use of credit to gain access to large sums of money using my maiden name Grey as a way to gain them. Being married to the Grey princess could get him access to millions and it did. When I was contacted about a past due loan payment. I had no idea about, someone forged my signatures. I had my credit frozen with my family's help. We set up a sting operation to find out who the female was signing the loan documents. He hadn't divorced his previous wife, so he and I weren't legally married so I wasn't held liable for the loans. They escaped prosecution by being ten steps ahead of the law. Apparently I wasn't the first person to be caught up in their web of lies. He was only with his partner in crime to get the loans and then they moved the cash to other accounts. They nearly got ten million dollars, but the loan officer got suspicious and made a few calls. He processed the loan, but also had an undercover cop get the fingerprints of Tanner and his real wife to run them and they found out who they were, but they weren't fast enough, because they left. So we do an in depth analysis of everything now. Drew luckily grew up here and is working for my family. Tanner and his wife covered their tracks with a lot of technology.
Connie and I got too greedy and too fast. We just barely escaped from arrest this time. Connie noticed something was off and suggested we leave the bank while we could. The loan officer called for the manager to okay the size of the loan. The one thing we didn't know was the least an manager knew Mia on sight and told the loan officer to delay us for some reason. My new name is Scott Jones and Connie is Susan Smith. We boarded a flight from Portland and left for the east coast.
Tanner moved too quickly on getting those loans, he put us in a bad situation. We had to escape and change our identity again. He gets too greedy too quickly. We sold the rolexes for so little because we had no choice. His platinum wedding ring we got twenty percent of the original cost. I am getting tired of all this, but the last time I refused to help him, I ended up falling down stairs with his help. I told him Mia was going to be a bad idea, since her family were going to be suspicious. The make up I had to use to cover my bruises and the handprints on my neck was pretty bad. I am going to find some way to get away from him and his brother soon. No one knew about Finn or me and Tanner kept it that way. We ended up at a big airport somewhere in the US. I am going to find a way to escape these two. Even if it means I die by doing it. I have no choice now. I am pregnant. I will not abort this baby. I just hope Tanner and Finn leave me a way to escape.

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