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Race day, my favourite day of the week. I woke up after an hour of sleep and got straight in the shower. I got out and brushed my teeth then dried my hair and put concealer on as I don't like lots of makeup on for when I race.

I walked to my suitcase and pulled out my fit and put it on then when to styles my hair in my normal beach waves.

"Yo Ez are you ready" Wren asked knocking on my door, I swung it open and grabbed my bag then left.

We arrived at the paddock around 11am as the race was at 1pm.

Ezralia King arrives at the paddock and in a fiery red outfit.

Ezralia walked past fans waving but not stopping as she walked towards the turnstiles where Christian Horner was waiting to greet her

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Ezralia walked past fans waving but not stopping as she walked towards the turnstiles where Christian Horner was waiting to greet her.
They walked towards the Redbull garage together before King went to her drivers room and Horner went to the pits.
Sunday 20th March 2023

I walked to my drivers room and changed into my fire proof then suit. I tied the arms of my suit round my waist and then laid down on the table for Wren get my muscles ready to race.

I started my pre race warm up with my headphones on and started to stretch. I always waited till the last minute to go to the grid where my Bull was waiting for me, I try to stay by myself to keep myself in the right zone and don't like to be distracted unnecessarily.

"Okay King, it's time to go to the car" Wren said as he approached me in the garage. I took off my headphones and gave them to Wren then zipped up my suit as I walked to my Bull in the P1 spot. I walked up to the car and fist bumped my engineers then put my balaclava and helmet on.

I jumped in the car and Wren buckled me up whilst Jake did a radio check. The formation lap was about to start and my engineers tapped my helmet before they left as it's a way they wish me good luck, I put my thumbs up at them and then looked up at the lights to indicate when I can go for my formation lap.

I took control of the race early on but lost my advantage when Verstappen was able to undercut me into the lead of the first round of pit stops.
After our second round of stops Verstappen pitted 10 laps after me however he still chipped time away and was catching up to me quick. Max tried to pass me on lap 70 but running too wide and giving me the place back. I then crossed the line in P1 with Max behind me and then Lando in P3.

I jumped up and stood on my car waving at fans and throwing my arms up in the air whilst holding one finger up. Max grabbed my arm and pulled me off the car giving me a hug and patting me on the back, Norris then came over and hugged me "Well done Lia that was an amazing drive" Lando said patting my helmet "Thank you Lands, well done on P3!" I replied.



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