
840 22 2

Saturday 22nd April 2023

Quali day. One of my favourite days, but not today. I had my mum and dad in the garage today so I couldn't let them down. I wanted Pole, and that's what I'm going to get.

"Drive safe baby" my mum hugged me as I was about to get in the car "Always mumma" I hugged her back. "Go get em killer" my dad said patting my helmet as I climbed over the halo, I nodded my head and then one of my mechanics buckled me in.

Going out on track for Q1 "okay Ezralia, you have 5 minutes to get into the top 15. Easy ok" Jake, my racing engineer said "Ok copy" I said back and then crossed the line for my flying lap to start.

"Well done Ezra, that's P2. You are through to Q1" Jake said as I finished my last flying lap for Q2 "Right ok, I want softs for Q3" I said coming into the pits "Understood, we'll get them on the car right away and under blankets" Jake said.

"Well done my love" Mum smiled "Thank you mumma, but Q3 is where it all counts" I laughed "Not to me lovely, you got into Q2 and Q3 that's what counts" she corrected me. I forgot how much I loved having my parents at my races, they were always proud of me for the smallest things. Like just now when getting through Q1 and 2 and then into Q3 isn't something that makes me proud of myself but when I get Pole, that makes me proud. But my mum she's proud every time I get in the car, it doesn't matter to her that I qualify P10 or P1, she's proud of me either way.

Getting back into my car for Q3, I went out after Max even though I specifically requested to be the first out the two of us on track, but oh well.

Venturing out onto track, I quickly got into the grove once again and started my fast lap. "Okay, tires are looking good. Full power this lap" Jake said as I started my lap.
"Purple sector one. Keep it up"

"Purple sector two."

"Well done Ezra, that's purple in all three sectors. You have set a new lap record!" Jake cheered through the radio "Woooo fuck yessssss" I laughed.

Driving round to the Pole position spot for interviews, I got out the car with Max in P2 and Charles in P3. Jumping out the car and cheering with the crowd, Charles pulled me in for a hug and patted me on the back. After he released me I ran over to my team and celebrated with them whilst they all patted my helmet. Out the corner of my eye I see my mum and dad at the side of the barrier, running over to them I had my eyes out wide ready to pull them both in for a hug "Atta girl, well done princess! What a lap" my dad said loud enough so I could hear through my helmet "My baby! That was amazing, so proud of you" my mum squealed, letting me out our hug.

As if on cue, Isabel came running round the side of the crowd and threw her arms round me "I knew you could do it Ezra!" She whispered but loud enough that I could hear "Thank you Izzy" I replied.



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