Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (2nd Edition) (Chapter 1)

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Welcome to my little Star Trek Voyager-based fanfic, now fully reworked and improved after several years of writing it.

PG-rated with no sexual content, but does include some references to fictitious historical violence.

I hope you enjoy it! Please rate and comment if you can—it really encourages me to write more :)


Audiobook Version

A new, high-quality audiobook version of the story has now been completed and can be found on YouTube here:

Star Trek Voyager -The Mylar Cat - (2nd Edition)

By Mary Lovelace

Chapter 1

It had been a busy few weeks. The long-overdue total strip-down and maintenance overhaul of Voyager's warp engines and other essential systems had kept everyone on their toes.

They'd landed on a beautiful M-class planet with a pleasantly temperate climate and very friendly locals. The warp-capable humanoid civilisation who called it home, named it, Mylar.

Despite the heavy work schedule, most of the crew had managed to enjoy at least some time to visit and enjoy one of the nearby Mylarian towns where the locals were friendly and accommodating, and welcomed the well-behaved crew with warm hospitality.

The Mylarians were a remarkable people. Although very human-like, they captivated the eye with their elegance and beauty. Many stood tall and slim, their silhouettes crowned by waves of shiny hair that cascaded down to their waists. Their likeness almost bore an uncanny flavour of the mythical Elven races from Earth's old stories—creatures of grace and mystery.

One distinctive trait that set them apart, was the delicate ridges running across their nose bridges, giving them a look somewhat reminiscent of the Bajorans.

Their culture also appeared to mirror many similarities with the voyager crew, adding to ease the interactions.

With their warp-capable technology, the Mylarians had once journeyed across the stars, much like humanity.
But over time, they had turned their gaze inward, choosing a path of contemplation and unity. Although a few Mylarians still chose to venture into the cosmos, the vast majority preferred a simpler existence,  focusing their collective energy and spirit on a life that could almost be described as spiritual. They cherished family and community life and dedicated themselves to appreciating and preserving the natural wonders of their beautiful planet.

This deep connection to their world and to each other had become the cornerstone of their civilization, shaping their way of life and their decisions to remain close to the home that cradled their history, and their hearts.

Captain  Janeway found herself in daily discussions with the nearby town's administrator, Mr. Jared, to secure supplies for Voyager.
He was a gentle man of reason and amiability, qualities that made their negotiations more than just simple transactions. Kathryn had quickly grown to look forward to these interactions with him and enjoyed how the pleasant rapport added a personal touch to her duties.

Each day, she would enjoy a walk from Voyager's landing spot, to the town—a journey of no more than around 30 minutes.
She could have used the transporters and did a few times early on, but she quickly grew to prefer the scenic walk instead.

Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat. (Complete) (+Audiobook Option) (PG-Rated)Where stories live. Discover now