Chapter 4 : Back Together

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Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter to understand the next chapter!


Alya was set to leave for Milan and the whole gang met up at the Saxena-Vedant's place for a dinner get-together.

"Honestly, this is such a great opportunity, I am so happy for you." Nandini said, hugging Alya.

"I am really excited too. But a big part of me hates to leave Adah behind. I have talked to the team in Milan and they said that they'd arrange a trip back to Mumbai once every two months, so I can come back briefly twice before I come back here for good."

"That's really great! We'll miss you, yaa!" Mukti said, back-hugging Alya.

"I hope y'all will check up on Dhruv, Adah and Mom every now and then." Alya said, biting her lip.

"Of course we will! Don't worry. Even though Manik and Nandini will be away too, main hu na! Zubi and I will meet up regularly, tu fikar na kar!" Mukti said and pulled Nandini into a hug too.

"What's up, ladies? Group hug kyu?" Zubin asked as he walked across Alya and Dhruv's bedroom and saw them there.

"Nothing, we're just gonna miss each other." Nandini said and rested her head against Mukti's shoulder.

"On the positive side, look! Nandini and Manik will meet up with Rishabh on their trip. And our Alya is going to thrive in Milan. Love that for y'all." Zubin said, pulling Nandini's and Alya's cheeks and making them laugh.

"Zubi always looks at the brighter side of things, hmm? Come join our hug!" Alya said and pulled him in too.


Manik watched Adah, Naitik, and Madiha play around in Adah's playroom and made sure they didn't get too excited and hurt themselves. Ever since Nyonika died, Manik had become a bit aloof and Nandini had to drag him everywhere so that he didn't become too broody or pensive. He didn't neglect his family though, in fact, he spent even more time with them than before.

"Buddy, all good?" Dhruv asked, settling into the bean bag next to his.

"Huh? Yeah. It's good." Manik said, coming out of his reverie and answering Dhruv.

"Okay. Bas puch raha tha kyunki tu khoya lag raha tha."

Manik nodded and looked back at Madiha, who was jumping on the little trampoline in the corner of the room. After muttering a soft 'careful' and earning a silly grin from Madiha, Manik sat back sprawled all over the bean bag.

"Buddy, I think going to San Francisco will be good for you. Nandini said you'll stay in her old house."

"Yeah. Her uncle and aunt live there now. It's a big house so we'll manage. Nandini said she wants to travel a bit and meet Rishabh too."

"That's great. Take care, it's been a rough couple of months." Dhruv said and patted his back while Manik smiled in return, grateful to have a supportive circle of close friends with him.


Alya stood at the Departures gate, saying her goodbyes and giving her husband, daughter, and mother-in-law many hugs. Adah had cried a little at home but after a conversation with Papa and a promise to Dadi that she'll bid her Mumma bye with a smile, she stopped crying.

"Mumzee will call you every day, okay? You'll be good for me, right?" Alya asked, picking Adah up and tucking hair behind her ears.

"Yes. Eat on time and not play for too long!"

"Perfect. Mumma will miss you so much, cupcake. I'll bring many gifts for you, okay?" Alya said, holding back her own tears. Adah nodded fervently and kissed Alya's cheek before she got placed back down. Dhruv came up to them and hugged Alya before wiping her tears.

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