Chapter 7 : Back To Where It All Started?

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Naturally, it took time for things to get normal between Manik and Nandini. They learned to communicate more and spend more time with each other. Nandini didn't sign any contract for a couple of months so that she could spend time with her family and so did Manik. There were arguments and fights once in a while, but none of them lasted long enough to create a crack in their relationship.

4 years later.

They were standing in front of the Principal's office for Madiha's admission into the first grade.

"Dia, what will you say after you see Principal Ma'am?" Nandini asked her daughter one last time.

"Mumma!! I know! Good molning Ma'am, nice to meet you! My name ish Madiha Manik Malhotla."

"Manik, she still has the baby tongue! I am worried."

"Nandini, chill. She is a kid. We are putting her in a school so that she improves. What's the point if she is already perfect?" Manik asked. Nandini bit her lower lip.

Nandini was a bit of a control freak when it came to education and it was known to everyone in the family. Manik, however, was very chill. He cared more about their well being than their grades and often defended Naitik in front of Nandini whenever he scored low, which was very rare. Naitik was very much like his mother when it came to personality and intellect. On the other hand, Dia doesn't care much, all she wants is to play, eat and have fun and Manik makes sure of that, much to Nandini's annoyance.

"Manik, you need to stop indulging her with all that nonsense. She's six now but you treat her like a baby." Nandini snapped, as Dia went skipping around the corridor. Manik sighed and stood up to catch Dia. She pouted and Manik almost melted but he sighed again after feeling Nandini's glare burning his back.

"Mrs. Menon will see you now." A peon said. Nandini stood up and fixed her dress. She looked at Dia and fixed her braid and frock. Manik gave her a comforting smile and Nandini relaxed a bit.

Nandini, Manik and Madiha walked into the cabin and saw a poised and sophisticated woman behind the desk, writing something on a letterhead. She looked up and gave a soft smile, acknowledging the three of them.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs. Malhotra. And who do we have here?" She looked down with a smile.

"Good morning Ma'am, nice to meet you. My name is Madiha Manik Malhotra." Madiha answered perfectly, much to Nandini's surprise. Manik was surprised too but he had an idea that Madiha used baby language to annoy her mother for fun.

"Good morning Madiha. Please sit." She told them.


"This girl....she loves to trouble me for her entertainment!" Nandini complained, as they settled in a restaurant for lunch. They had picked Naitik up too. Nandini watched Madiha eat Pasta after picking out most of the veggies. One glare from Nandini was enough for Madiha to eat everything without throwing a tantrum.

"She's just a-"

"Kid! I know she is just a kid but-" Manik and Nandini noticed Madiha whose lower lip was wobbling and tears in those wide eyes.

Manik succumbed to them.

"No buts. Look Nandini, I know you care about academics but I am not going to sit and watch Madiha being forced to do what she doesn't like. Naitik has more intellectual interests and that's great for him! He loves science and maths, good! But Madiha is clearly not much inclined to studies which we have already seen. She is kind of a wild child for the lack of better words. Let her be. Her grades are not going to define her future." Manik finished his monologue. Nandini looked stumped but she just nodded.

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