Chapter 8 : A Step Forward

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When the bell rang, Nandini wiped her hands on her apron as she took it off. Their guests for the night, Shrikant and Shreya had arrived for dinner, on time. Nandini wondered how Manik cultivated the habit of being late when both Shrikant and Nyonika back when she was involved as a trustee and the Malhotra Group, were very punctual.

When Nandini stepped out of the kitchen, she saw Manik greeting his father and aunt before letting the children hug them.

"Dad! Bua! After so long." Nandini said, hugging them as well. Shrikant patted her head as he usually did while Shreya pinched her cheek.

"Nandini doesn't have any cheeks left for me to pinch, which means you've been working too much and not eating properly. Am I right, Manik?" Shreya asked, frowning.

"You are." Manik said, smiling at Nandini who gave him a look instead.

"Chalo chalo. Let's go eat right away then." Shrikant said and led the kids to the dining room.

"Nandini made your favourite Butter Chicken, Dad." Manik said, placing the plates on the table.

"Shri has been advised to fix his diet but he told his doctor that he makes an exception only for his daughter-in-law." Shreya said, making Nandini laugh and blush in embarrassment.

They had their dinner while catching up with each other, Shrikant asking Adah, Naitik and Madiha about their school and classes while Shreya talked to Manik and Nandini. After dinner, they headed back to the living room, where the kids watched TV and the adults sat down for the discussion, the one they had planned this dinner for.

"So, what do you think? Are you up for the role of the Trustee? I mean, you were the GP back in your days and I think this will be a suitable role for you, Nandu." Shreya said.

"Haan, I was thinking too. Maybe, I will take it up. It doesn't sound too demanding and honestly, I just want to stay at home in the evenings. Manik said he will arrange for someone to take over the management of the recording studio."

Over the years, Nandini had built her own brand, a recording studio and institute for aspiring musicians and singers, NM Music School. She usually invited field specialists and experienced professionals to teach but over the years, as the workload increased and her time with her children decreased, she felt the need to delegate more and spend more time with her children.

"I am happy you are taking this decision. It's the right time to do it. I will get the paperwork started." Shrikant said and Nandini nodded with a smile.

"And what is this I hear about a Space Reunion?" Shreya asked.

"Oh yeah, Mukti and Zubin came up with the idea. I mean I am not sure if it's the best decision but she told Navya and that woman hasn't stopped spamming the groupchat." Manik said, shaking his head.

"It sounds like a good idea. It's a nice way to promote the college too, with all of you attending. We have to take advantage of your fame and advertise more. So be it."

"Spoken like a true businessman, Dad." Manik said, chuckling.

"Of course. Any publicity is good publicity." Shrikant said and Manik and Nandini acquiesced.

"If the paperwork goes through quickly, Nandini can start coordinating with Zubin and Mukti for the Reunion arrangements. And take people's help, don't do it all alone. We'll probably have to invite over 400-500 people." Shreya said.

"This Mukti na. Ek stress se dhoor bhaagke dusre stress pe land ho gayi main." Nandini said, palming her face and making all of them laugh.


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