Chapter 5 : What If...? (Part 1)

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This is an alternate universe two-shot! Completely different settings and just an imaginary scenario! Part 1 today and Part 2 (also last) toms!!



A handsome hunk got dressed in a three piece Armani suit and exquisite Gucci shoes. After having checked himself out in the mirror one last time, he walked out of the room, emanating an aura of confidence.

"Kya lag raha hai tu bhai! She will faint at the spot!"

"Thanks Cabir."

"So, ready?"

"Ready? I was born ready for anything, my friend. Honestly, I just want to get done with this."

"Manik, you know it is a special day for you." Cabir said.

"Well, vo badme dekhenge." Manik tugged at his blazer one last time and entered the venue.

"Here comes, the man of the day, Mr. Manik Malhotra!"

Manik nodded at the guests gathered and stood in the center of the stage. He would have hated for this day to be such a fanfare but being Nyonika and Shrikant Malhotra's son warranted this treatment.

"Let's welcome Alya Saxena, our fashion icon and the woman who managed to steal our heartthrob's heart!"

Manik rolled his eyes discreetly. He looked at a gorgeous woman entering the stage, flaunting her blue body-fitting gown, hugging her at the right places.

"You look beautiful." Manik whispered in her ears while she smiled coyly.

"Let's get the ceremony started." Nyonika announced, not wanting to delay anything further.

Cabir and Mukti came up to the stage and handed over two boxes to both Manik and Alya. They took out the rings and gave back the boxes to their friends before facing each other.

Manik slid the ring around Alya's finger with a smile while she blushed before doing the same.

"Congratulations Mr. Malhotra and soon-to-be Mrs Malhotra!"


Manik and Alya went around greeting and talking to everybody, thanks to Nyonika. After twenty minutes of annoying small talk, Manik let go of Alya's hand and walked out of the venue. While doing so, he was stopped by someone.

"What do you want, Nyonika?" Manik asked in a deadpan tone as he rolled his eyes.

"You can't just leave the venue like this, Manik."

"What more do you want? Ho gaya na engagement? Dad ke saamne bhi pretend kar liya, ab bas. Leave me alone and let me breathe in peace, damn it!" Manik pushed her away and left the venue.

"Bloody pretentious assholes, all of them." Manik lit a cigarette and was about to take a puff when it was snatched away by someone.

"Mister, it's a No Smoking zone, just in case you didn't know." A sweet voice interrupted him.

Manik turned to his right to see a petite woman in her 20s, dressed elegantly in a saree.

"Nandini Murthy?" He asked.

"Yes, Manik Malhotra. Sorry, I couldn't help but poke my nose into this. Don't want to offend you on such an important day." Nandini pointed to a board on which 'Manik and Alya' were written in Italics.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and shook his head.

"Not important enough. It's just an engagement. Anyway, I didn't know you attended such pretentious social events, Ms Veena Vadini?" Manik asked smugly.

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