Star Trek Voyager: The Mylar Cat (2nd Edition) (Chapter 8)

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Four months into joining Voyager, Aki suddenly started to become noticeably quieter and more withdrawn. He spent increasing amounts of time alone in his quarters, a stark contrast to his usual sociable self.

While he still participated in activities and remained friendly and affable during social interactions, everyone quickly began to notice that something wasn't right.
His once contagiously bright and enthusiastic energy had dimmed, and his charming smile had lost its sparkle, replaced by a subtle melancholy.

Aki's big, beautiful blue eyes now often carried a look of worry or fear. He flinched at sudden noises, hunching his shoulders as if to make himself smaller and protect himself. Simple things like a loud voice, a dropped tool, or even a cough would cause him to jump nervously.
This newfound nervous behaviour was a troubling sign to the crew who had grown immensely fond of him.

The change in Aki's demeanour had not gone unnoticed. Captain Janeway and Chakotay were particularly concerned. They observed him closely, noting the subtle signs of distress. The way his ears would twitch nervously, how he would glance around as if expecting danger, and the way he clung to familiar crew members during social gatherings. It was clear to everyone that Aki was no longer the carefree cat-boy they had come to love.

This nervous behaviour began immediately after Voyager suffered an unprovoked attack a week earlier. It was the first time the ship had engaged in battle since Aki had joined, and the experience had been harrowing for him. Until that moment, he hadn't realized Voyager even had weapons, or that space travel could be so perilous.

The cause of the attack was resolved quickly and diplomatically, and Voyager was soon repaired and back on course. However, witnessing the battle was a genuinely traumatic ordeal for Aki. The sudden alarms, the vibrations and terrifying sounds from the phaser blasts, and the tense atmosphere on the bridge had all combined to leave him deeply shaken.
He had felt an overwhelming sense of fear and helplessness as the crew rushed to their stations, fighting to protect the ship.

Nobody had thought to warn him or explain that the ship and crew sometimes faced hazardous situations, often involving violent skirmishes and battles.
The unexpectedness of the conflict had left Aki feeling vulnerable and afraid, his sense of security shattered. He found himself constantly on edge, reliving the terror of that day whenever he heard sudden noises or felt the ship shudder.

The crew, noticing Aki's distress, tried their best to support him. Neelix prepared his favourite meals, hoping to cheer him up. Harry and Tom invited him for more holodeck adventures, hoping the familiar fun would help him forget the fear. B'Elanna, who had grown fond of Aki's curiosity about engineering, took extra time to explain the ship's systems, trying to reassure him about Voyager's capabilities and safety.

Captain Janeway felt a deep sense of responsibility for Aki's well-being. She spent more time with him, trying to talk through with him what was troubling him. She understood the importance of Aki feeling safe and protected again, especially after such a traumatic experience.

Inside his quarters, Aki had been struggling with his fears. The once comforting hum of the ship now felt like a constant reminder of potential danger. He would curl up on his bed, trying to calm his racing thoughts and beating heart. Nights were the hardest, as he would often wake from nightmares, the echoes of the battle replaying in his mind. He missed the days when he felt safe and carefree, and he longed to find that sense of security again.

The changes in Aki's behaviour were a stark reminder to the crew of the realities of their journey. They were travelling through uncharted space, facing unknown dangers, and while they were trained for such situations, Aki was not. His presence on the ship brought a new perspective on the impact of their perilous voyage, and the crew became even more determined to protect their young friend and help him regain his lost sense of security.

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