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The applause had died down some time ago. The bards continued on to a slower song as Gozaydg approached his wife. Rhish smiled, rolled her eyes, and took his hand in her own, grasping it.

He pulled her to his chest and the room let out a mass of laughter at the notion. Rolling her eyes once again, she put her hand on his waist. She couldn't feel the scars through his garb, but she knew they were there.

The song carried them as they danced. The tailcoat at the end of her attire swayed with their movements. She refused to wear a dress, something he was expecting. It didn't bother him, he never saw the appeal in being uncomfortable so he gave her free reign.

Of course, the tailors had to give it a slight feminine touch, but other than that, it stayed in both of their comfort zones. He didn't bother having something overly-dramatic made. It was nice enough to please the others and comfortable enough to move in.

They both wore matching black pants. He had a deep green undershirt with a long black overcoat to match. The gold embroidery was what made it beautiful. A simple crown adorned his head. Never once had he thought he would end up wearing one. It was a marriage thing.

It was thick at the base part that stayed on his head. Thorn-like pieces jotted up the whole way around the piece. He looked regal in it, though he begged to differ.

Rhish had a black undershirt with a dark grey coat over it. Her's didn't have an extensive embroidery, but the edges were lined with a black with some gold accents here and there.

Her crown was thinner than his. It was a long band that met at a dip on her forehead. The same thorn-like pattern laced her's but it was not as dramatic as his was.

The woman smiled up at him, "The tailors did well."

He nodded, "They were exceptional."

"I meant you inside of it, not just the outfit, dear."

His eyes widened. His face flushed slightly but due to the rising heat in the room, it could easily be played off like that, "Well, thank you."

Winking her way, he dips her slightly before bringing her back up. A laugh exits her mouth as she grips onto his coat, "I don't compare, I'm afraid."

She raises an eyebrow, "Don't compare to what?"

"To your beauty, that's for sure."

Rhish smiles and uses one hand to cradle his cheek. He lowers down to her upon request. Laying a kiss upon his lips just as the song ends, the room erupts in cheers.

Just then the bards start a dancing song. They both laugh as Marcello jumps in between them, "Come on, alrotiah," the little boy exclaimed, "I want to dance with you."

Ovag comes over and clasps his friend's shoulder, "Come on, old man, show us how to dance."

The leader punches his friend only for him to run into him. They laugh as the rest of the family joins them in the merry.

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Pushing the coat down, the woman laughed as he stiffened, "Stop moving, Marcello."

The man groans, "But, alrotiah, it's uncomfortable!"

Pulling away, his aunt only raises an eyebrow up at him. He gives a toothy grin, "You have to wear it. Would you rather fight your uncle over it?"

He shivers, "Not at the moment."

Once she finishes, she backs up, "Gods, look at you."

He bows dramatically, "Just to think, ten years ago I was actually able to pick you up."

Marcello smiles in remembrance, "Now I can literally toss you."

She grimaces, "I'm not as young as I once was, you oaf."

The boy, at least still in her eyes, smiles. He lets out a sigh and runs up to her and pulls her into a tight embrace. The woman holds back tears as she rubs circles into his back, "You'll do great, my love."

He, too, rubs down his coat. The man stands up once again. She was right. He was going to be a tall one. Taller than Gozaydg. Only by an inch, but he tends to boast over beating his uncle's record.

It was a tradition. Kabatia and Kortos dressed him and she was to send him in to meet her husband. It was time, he thought. Although Gozaydg was perfectly healthy, he figured it would be a learning experience for the boy.

Marcello took the challenge with open arms. This was the coronation. He fought and proved himself worthy. Now it was the time to stand before the entire kingdom. This had been plaguing him, but he knew he was ready.

He had his work out for him. After the destruction of part of the forest, their kingdom was opened to the outside world. Others were much more welcoming. Trade opened once again with other places. The queen of Wrayoria happily put a good word out for them and helped expand them.

He heads to the door then stops, "Rhish?"

"Yes, my love?"

"Thank the gods I stumbled upon you all those years ago." He left her with that just before exiting the tent. She stared at the flaps of the tent. Ten years, she wondered. It has been the best ten years, but oh, has it gone so fast.

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Approaching her husband, the warrior turns her way and offers a hand. She takes it and lines in next to him. They both watch Marcello steps up onto the platform, "We did it."

She chuckles, "No. He did it."

The man nods, understanding her point, "Now we can have a vacation."

Rhish rolls her eyes, but smiles at the thought, "I might become restless. You know how I am, dear."

Shrugging, he thinks about it, "Besides...we can always spend time in the training field. Gods know I can't get out of shape now."

She laughs, punching his stomach playfully,  "I doubt you could ever get out of shape."

The man thinks about the future, "I always wanted to visit Wrayoria and Izenmar..."

"Hm," she mutters, "I think we can do that."

He bends down and presses a kiss to the top of her head. Lightly pushing him, they join in on the cheers as they all clap for the boy they watched grow up.

Off in the distance, the newly updated family picture stood tall, the sun gleaming on it. Their wedding picture stood next to it, their faces are just as bright as the ones in the photo.

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Hello. Thank you for reading! This means so much to me and I couldn't thank you enough for joining me on this adventure. To future books and more to the series!

Master of Bones | The Royal Legacies SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now