Chapter 8

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15. June, 3 am


Someone is calling.


I don't want to wake up quite yet. I'm still tired.

"Wake up," a female voice said. Luise, most likely.

When I opened my eyes, there were two glowing yellow eyes in front of my face.

Everything else was in the dark except her eyes. It seemed like it was late at night. As I struggled to wake up, I got up and sat on the couch.

"Can you tell me what time it is?" I asked.

"3:00 a.m." She responded as she sat next to me.

Something is most likely wrong, but I doubt she would confide in me.

"Are you all right?" I questioned.

"I'm not sure."

"How can I help you?" I asked ready to go to any length to help her. It's the least I could do considering what I owe her. I owe her for my sister, for allowing me to move around freely, for attempting to take me outside to feel the sun and grass, and for not harming me.

"Come on, let's go outdoors." She stood up hastily and walked towards the door.

I dashed after her without hesitation. When we arrived in the hall, she vanished in an instant. I quickened my speed and dashed down the stairs in search of her. The soldiers stationed at the castle's entryway were staring at me. Probably thinking I was going to flee.

But I didn't have time to consider whether they'd assault me or not. The only thing that matters is that I go outdoors and find Luise.

Fortunately for me, the guards just ignored me as I exited the castle. I tried my best to find her, including running all the way around the castle to what looked to be a garden. Yet I  could barely see anything because there were no strong lights outside. I suppose all vampires had perfect vision and didn't require lights.

I came to a halt for a second to regain my breath after all that running, as the chilly night air scorched my lungs.

I looked around, trying to figure out where I should look next. There was a chance she wasn't even outdoors, but I didn't want to give up.


As she appeared in front of me, I flinched. This was the first time I realized how fast vampires could be.

"I found you." I couldn't resist the smile that had come across my face.

I exhaled a sigh of relief. I did it. I found her.

"It's more like I found you." She smirked.

As I remembered why we were outside in the first place, my smile faded.

"Please, let me help you." I offered. "Anything you need, I'll do it."

"I was just a little nervous because my parents were expected to appear in a few hours. I'm alright now that I've run a little."  Her smile never left her face. Almost as if she tried to comfort me.

"Weren't you happy when your brother informed you they'd be here today?" I inquired, hoping to ascertain why her response to them had shifted.

"Yes, but it's different now." Her hair flowed across her face as she dropped her head.

I carefully lifted my hand and brushed her hair away from her face, causing her to flinch and make eye contact with me. She stared at me with a bewildered expression on her face.

"You are not permitted to touch me." She warned.

"Punish me then." I murmured, as I moved her hair behind her ear.

She glared at me for a little bit but gave up with a sigh. 

"How come it's different now?" I inquired about continuing our previous talk.

"They believe a pet should not be maintained for more than a week."

So this is it then.  I knew this day would come sooner or later, but I had no idea why it was such an issue for her.

"Then just kill me."

She shoved me and glared at me again. It wasn't so forceful that I would fall, but it wasn't gentle either.

"Why are you upset with me now?" I asked.

"It's not about you," she explained, "it's about me."

"Perhaps it's a bit about me." I added since we are talking about my death here.

"No. It's not about you dying; it's about me having to kill someone again."

"But doesn't murder come easily to your species?" I inquired, attempting to comprehend her response. She is the first vampire to have a problem with murder.

"There are a few exceptions."

"Still, the fact that you don't want to kill me implies that you like me, right?" I made a joke.

"Don't get too cheeky. You're just a pet." She hissed at me.

I think I crossed a line there that I shouldn't have. I decided it was better for me to remain silent, so I looked around us, trying to avoid her gaze. I hadn't realized I was outside until now.

I'm perfectly all right and I'm outside. There was no dizziness or panic attack. I can now walk outside and be okay. My naked feet were standing on the cool grass.

I wiggled my toes as I glanced at my feet, the grass tickling me with each movement.

"I'm outside." I told her with a bright smile.

"I know." She stated. I'm guessing she wasn't upset with me anymore. "We should come here another time, but for the time being, we must return."

Right, her parents' arrival is getting closer by the second. I pray I never have the opportunity to meet them.

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