Chapter 34

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I lay on the ground covered in dirt and blood. Lucky for me, it wasn't mine but it could be. My ears were ringing from when I hit my head as I fell on the ground a second ago.

My eyes glanced at the fellow soldiers shooting at the unfamiliar vampires. Sadly there was not much they could have done as their rage made them blind. It's not easy seeing your friends die at the hands of the monster.

"Aster what are you doing? Get up!" Someone yelled at me and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Aster get up right now!" That person ordered again. I heard footsteps running towards me with a thud.

I saw a newly dead vampire land beside me. Not a hint of guilt or remorse passed through me. I thought that maybe since I didn't feel anything when I saw one of my soldiers die, I would feel something for a vampire but still, nothing.

I got up on my feet and jumped on the back of the closest vampire to me. I quickly slashed his throat and stabbed him a couple of times in the heart.

The soldier who shouted earlier shot at a couple of vampires that stood in front of him. I looked at him briefly before letting go of the already dead vampire and going to help him.

The military was strangely accepting of my new 'appearance'. Probably because Charlotte vouched for my loyalty to them. Her word means quite a lot among humans.

At first, it was fun to kill these monsters, hunting them and me being the last thing they see before they die. I felt free for once and I loved this newfound freedom of being a vampire. I was good at it, easily the best. Quicker and stronger than the rest.

But I grew bored of it quickly. There's no fun in fighting if there's no real challenge. Today was the first time I got even the tiniest bit hurt in the battle and it happened because I slipped on ice. If my head wasn't hurting I would actually laugh about it.

'Aster, former human now a vampire, died by slipping on ice.' I can already see the headline for the newspaper.

Still, being on a battlefield isn't the worst way to spend my days. I could always sit around and do nothing, but I would die of boredom. At least like this, I get some fresh air and exercise.

Just when I was about to attack a vampire a few meters ahead of me, I saw one running into the forest. If I wasn't run by instincts I would have just let it go but the predator in me growled and before I knew it, I was hunting.

As soon as I was out of sight of l the soldiers and vampires killing each other, I caught up to this one and sliced his throat.

He fell down immediately and somehow managed to land on his back. Blonde hair, blue lifeless eyes... I immediately recognized him as the soldier who brought Cora and me to the Grey Zone. What was his name again?

"Oops." That was all I said to him. I moved some snow on top of his face with my foot.

I glanced at the direction of the battle that was still going on but they were out of sight. Good thing I could still hear them going at each other's throats.

Not too far from here was a popular bar for vampires and now was as good a time as any to take a look. I felt excitement pump through my veins, finally something worth my time.

Since my scent wouldn't alarm any of the customers there, it was no big deal that I had blood on my clothes. It's common for vampires to go hunting and return looking like a mess.

At first, I had no intention of going inside the bar but as I was greeted with a smile and a handshake from a vampire I had never seen before, I gave in.

"You're new here? My name is Charlie." He asked with genuine curiosity. I couldn't help but grin at his enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I'm Aster. I'm just passing by." I said.

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