Chapter 37

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The cold wind blew in, swirling around the frozen ground and sending shivers up anyone who wasn't wearing enough clothing to prevent the weather from causing hypothermia.

For me, this was not a problem since I welcomed the cold fresh air. It felt nice against my skin after being cooped up inside.

However, Cora trembled in my arms. Even though she had her coat on and the scarf around her neck, she was still in her pajamas. Her breath frosted with every exhale of air that entered her lungs as the chilled temperature began to bite at her exposed face.

She hid her face in my chest to prevent her already red nose from freezing.

I had to find shelter for her before she got sick. The only place I could think of currently is the bar where I met Charlie but that place is full of vampires.

But if I find Charlie there maybe he could be of some help, and Cora could pass for my human pet.

I tightened my hold on her as I finally moved from the exit doors and started running towards the woods.

The sound of bullets firing toward us filled the previous peaceful quiet that was once in the forest. I could hear the bullets landing on trees, making it clear that at least twenty or so people were shooting at us.

My pace quickened, my heart pounding faster than usual and my legs shaking ever so slightly beneath my weight. I pushed myself to run as fast as I could knowing the wind was much colder for Cora now but I had no choice. Either this or get hit and return to the Gray zone.

That's no longer an option. Looks like if I want a good life I only have to rely on myself to make it. Everyone else will look to take advantage of us. If I'm careful enough, nothing bad will ever happen to us.

If all else fails, I can just make sure that we never go back to where we started.

Cora started coughing which made me want to stop running, but I knew I couldn't slow down just yet. We were nearly far enough for the bullets to not reach us when another shot rang out, hitting me in the right shoulder.

I let out a painful groan but didn't drop her. We were so close to getting away, that this little wound would not hold me back.

I clenched my teeth, trying to keep the pain from showing on my face. The last thing I need right now is for Cora to worry about it.

As long as I don't lose too much blood, the wound should heal by tomorrow morning without even any complications.

The sound of bullets stopped suddenly and I dared a glance over to Cora. She looked scared, her eyes looking anywhere except at me. "I'll protect you," I said squeezing her softly. "Whatever comes our way, I'm here to protect you."

She nodded hesitantly, looking back toward my shoulder before looking at my face again.

"Does it hurt?" she asked hesitantly.

"Only a bit, I'll be alright soon. You're the priority," I assured her.

I can't keep anything a secret from this girl.

Her eyes widened and she shook her head furiously. "Stop thinking like that. You will be your own ruin."

"I'm fine, you on the other hand are just a human."

She pursed her lips, "You seem to be forgetting that you were one too."

"Don't taunt me while I'm saving your life."

"I don't want to be saved at your disposal." She argued.

"Must we do this right now? You can throw your slippers at me after I get us both to safety." I pleaded.

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