〖 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖁𝕴𝕴 〗

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"I believe this is where the bulk of the Indians have settled," Sebastian said as, you, Him, and Ciel walked down the street in silence. Ciel sighed, "yes," he said fixing his hat. He grunted as he bumped into someone on the street. It was an Indian guy, "ahh! That hurt!" He said with an accent, "I think I cracked a rib!" He exclaimed dramatically, making you roll your eyes at his horrible acting. "Don't be ridiculous, no one can crack a rib like that," you said, reassuring the man. "I might die from this!" He started yelling, ignoring you as he grasped his side while exaggerating. "He should pay you for it!" Another Indian of the group said and you scoffed as another asked for all his money. Sebastian sighed, "What a cliche bunch of thugs we seem to have run into. Master, should I handle this?" Sebastian asked while cracking his knuckles as Ciel mumbled a simple yes.

"Make it quick, I'm hungry," you added with a frown a second later, feeling the one that bumped into Ciel grab you by the collar of your shirt as he brought you close to his face. "Listen here, girl. You are outnumbered and everyone here hates you English dogs—" You watched in awe as the man flew back and turned to see that Sebastian had flicked him in the face.

"First of all, do not lay your hands on lady, (y/n) and second, She is from America." The raven-haired butler said in a matter-of-fact voice. "Did he hurt you at all, my lady?" Sebastian asked with a smirk playing on his lips and you shook your head at him. "Damned brats. You take over our country, take us here and then throw us away like garbage!" The one that grabbed me growled as he got to his feet and pulled out a dagger. "Your people have dragged their filth all over our homeland!" Another Indian yelled at you.

"Excuse me," a voice called from your right. It was an ideal dude with plum hair and gold eyes. 'Soma.' You thought as you glanced at the prince. "I'm looking for this Indian woman. If you gentlemen have seen her around here," He said holding out a sketch that looked like a mutated sloth. "Who the hell are you!? Just stay out of this!" The other Indian growled in annoyance. Soma smiled. "Oh my, are you fellows having a duel?" He asked sounding quite interesting in the matter. "Are you an English nobleman?" Soma asked and Ciel scoffed slightly at this,

"And what if I say I am?" He shot at him questionably. Soma frowned "Then, I'm sorry but I must side with my countrymen," he said as he ordered Agni to defeat you. Agni charged at you three but Sebastian was fast enough to pull both you and Ciel out of the way. Once again, the universe demonstrated that the demon butler was really valuable and crucial for your existence since he offered his protection to you.

'Not a very princely behavior if you ask me.' You thought to yourself as you watched Sebastian and Agni fight. Ciel started yelling about how you were walking down the street and how they attacked you out of nowhere and Soma froze in his spot, "What? Tell me, men, did you attack this child for no good reason?" He asked the rest Indians. He crossed his arms, sighing. "Unfortunately, my countrymen are wrong here, then. Agni, we are on the English men's side now." He said to which Agni easily agreed with. After Agni beat every Indian that threatened you, Soma handed Ciel his hat and left with his ashen-haired friend.

                                   ❇ ❇ ❇ ❇

"Well, that was a waste of time," Ciel grumbled as we entered Ciel's country home. "One of those men might be the culprit we're looking for," Sebastian suggested as he helped Cirl take off his hat and coat. "Let us wait for sir Arthur to contact us." He said as he took off your coat too and you smiled while muttering a small 'thanks' to him. The Phantomhive servants came to greet you all and Cirl sighed heavily.

"I'll never get any peace if I'm called to London about every silly little thing." He complained and you actually for once you actually knew how he felt. It was so tiresome to follow him around you were actually pretty surprised he did stuff like this almost every single day. The door behind you opened to reveal Lau. "Ah, my lord. How good it is to see you," He said as he walked closer to the short boy.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 ᴮᵒᵒᵏ ¹Where stories live. Discover now