The Uchiha's Royal Invitation.

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"Absolutely not!" Sasori and Gaara said in unison anger was getting the best of them.

How dare those Uchiha's threaten them to make Naruto attend the ball they were throwing for Itachi Uchiha.

"It's a trap and you know it Minato-San!"

Minato sigh he knew it was only a matter of time before something like this might happened, he shouldn't have accepted that meeting eight years ago. Or at the very least made sure he took it upon himself to hide his son personally, Kakashi had warned him of the encounter he had witnessed among the two in the forest that day and it rubbed him the wrong way. His little Naruto was far to innocent and pure for the vampires or anyone else for that matter.

"We don't know that Sasori, Gaara so please calm do-"

"Itachi Uchiha has come of age to find a thrall of his own you can't tell us it's just a coincidence!" Sasori said, scowling.

"Especially with what we witnessed in the forest and were able intervene unlike someone." Gaara said glaring at Kakashi standing next to Minato.

"I knew you guys were close by and I would have put a stop to it if he had done anything to our young master."


Kakashi was rubbing his head as steam could be seen from Minato's hand.

"I haven't forgotten your stupidity Kakashi you should have stopped them from getting too close the moment you saw them meet that's the reason I let you excuse yourself and left me alone with that cold hearted bastard."

Minato was glaring at Kakashi the Tengu shrinking in size as his master's glare was terrifying.

"We don't have much of a choice unfortunately we have to accept the invitation.. unless we want a war on our hands and our forces would be overran in no time as the Uchiha's have double in size over the years."

Gaara sighed and opened the door of the room looking behind himself. "I'm going to look for Naruto." and with that he closed the door.

"You know what this means don't you?" Sasori's voice was serious.

Minato walked over to Sasori and put an arm around his neck. "We don't know that, for all you guys know you didn't see Itachi try and make Naruto his thrall in the forest, he was way too young." Minato's voice was laced with doubt.

He half heartily believe his own words, Itachi was to young to make a thrall but that boy was also a genius so who knows if it was possible.

Everyone let out a long sign.

'We don't have a choice they have sent multiple invitations and requests multiple meetings but I've denied them all.. but this time I can't, we couldn't be able to defend ourselves if they started a war.'

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Maybe if Naruto knew they were threatening us he would hate Itachi and that would solve our problem!"

Sasori saw red.


In a flash of red Sasori took the form of a medium sized red wolf growing and showing his fangs as he saw his target.

Kakashi quickly hid behind Minato.

Minato sign. 'I'm surrounded by idiots.'

"Sasori as much as I'm sure Tengu would taste good right now we can't keep blaming Kakashi, we all failed in one way or another to stop them from meeting."

Sasori sat down still in his wolf form Minato was right.

"Then Gaara and I will escort the young master to the Uchiha mansion."

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