Chapter 1

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(Authors note! Hey guys my name is Reagan, I am 13 years old and this is my first fan fiction. I got the idea from my head, I'm Skitzophrenic, i envision myself as Lily Potter. I ship Dremione with all my Heart! Like, comment etc., I like feedback!! And all respect toward JK Rowling. She is my role model I love her so much. These are her characters I do not own them except for Lily Potter.)

"Harry Potter." Professor McGonagall called Harry, My brother to get sorted. He walked up to the stool with his Hogwarts robes trailing behind him.
"Hmmm must be Gryffindor!" The hat yells. There was a lot of clapping and he looks at me with a smile on his face. I gave him a nervous smile back.

"Lily Potter" Professor McGonagall called again. There was a lot of mumbling just as there was when Harry was called. I walk up to the stool and sit down as Professor puts the hat on my head.

"Another Potter!" The hat called out. Oh jeez here we go. "Another Potter, must be the sister who survived BellaTrix LeStrange?"

"That would be I." I whisper. I sigh then whisper: "Gryffindor, Gryffindor, Gryffindor." Over and over again.
"Gryffindor eh?" The hat whispers in my ear.

"Yes please." I whisper back

"Must be Gryffindor!"

I smile as people clap and I go and sit next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry hugs me when I sit down. Fred and George get up to sit next to Ron.
"What a looker she is Ron" Fred chuckles. Harry turns around to face them.

"Fred i really hope you're talking about Hermione and not my sister." He says. I chuckle.

"Yeah, Yeah Hermione." Fred says looking down, George is laughing and he takes Fred to go sit down at their other spot.

"C'mon Harry they were obviously talking about me." I laugh batting my eyes.

"Yeah exactly, you're my baby sister."
He says. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Ron! Harry's getting more action then you are!" Fred yells. Harry scowls at Fred while George is laughing his arse off.

"What George? Does Ron fancy me?" I ask trying to sound innocent. Harry chuckles a little bit. Ron get's ready to punch George or Fred.

"No, I most certainly do not!" Ron frowns and make a pouty face. Fred and George lose it. Hermione rolls her eyes while i chuckle at her, Harry is over there stuffing his face, I take that as an invitation and start piling my plate with mash potatoes, some ham and corn.

"So Lily tell me your story." Hermione asks. "What's there to tell? I basically have the same story as Harry- abused at home-"

"Not at home i mean with BellaTrix." Hermione says. "If it's not too much trouble i mean." She recovers.

"Well I um.. V- You-Know-Who went after Harry, BellaTrix went after me. She had more time with me than You-Know-Who had with Harry. She managed to cut B and T into the crook of my arm. When Who-Know-Who died the death eaters came and took her away as soon as Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid came, Professor took me to the Dursleys and Hagrid with Harry." Everyone became quiet with that. Harry rubs my back.

"Have i said something?" I ask. Everyone shakes their head no and continue eating.

"Well if it isn't the Potters." A snarled, nasty voice came from behind. Harry and I turn around to look at the boy who has said it. It happened to be Draco Malfoy with his platinum blond hair and grey eyes full of hate and sorrow.

"Get out of here Malfoy." Ron seethes.
"Wasn't talking to you Weasel." He snarls again.

"What is it that you need Malfoy?" Harry asks obviously annoyed.

"I just want to hear how Lily Potter survived my Aunt, she usually leaves her mark real well-" He finishes and snatches my arm, making me wince and cry out in pain. He rolls up the sleeves of my Hogwarts robes and laughs when he sees the BT scar.
Ron and Harry stand up when they see the tears in my eyes.

"Get your hands off her." Harry yells and slaps Malfoy's hands off of my arm. Hermione helps me up to go back to the dormitory. I furiously wipe my eyes and run ahead of Hermione.

Furious still, i realised that i don't know the password or where i'm going. I wait till Hermione runs up to me, rubs my shoulders and gives me a sympathetic look. I rub the crook of my arm trying to subside the pain.

"What do you do to stop the stinging?" Hermione asks.

"Nothing." I say still rubbing my arm.
"Oh, i'm sorry Lily. Caput Draconis." Hermione says to the fat lady in a pink silk dress.

"All right." She says and the picture opens to reveal a long hallway leading to the Gryffindor common room. I sit on the four poster bed, i climb on the the top bunk where my trunk is. I take my trunk down and unload all my clothes into the wardrobe to the left. In the wardrobe there are four sections. A railing on the top and another little compartment on the bottom.

I hang my shirts and pants along with my robes and put my underclothes in the compartment on the bottom. Hermione does the same in the compartment next to mine. As soon as I'm done my arm has stopped the painful throbbing, I decide to grab a book, and go read next to the fire in the common room.

I walk out of the girls' dormitory to the center room to find Harry and Ron on the couch talking crass words about Malfoy. When I walked into the room Harry jumped up and sprinted towards me.

"Lily are you alright?" Harry asks. I shake my head yes and smile at him.
"I hate that filthy, arrogant bastard." Ron mouths off. I chuckle and go to sit down on the chair that is faces the fire.

I open A History of Magic to start reading, Harry sits on the arm of the chair and converses with Ron.

"So are you excited for the first lesson of flying tomorrow Harry?" Ron asks.
"Yeah, Professor Hooch said that our father was a seeker." Harry replies smiling.

"Really? and what about mum?" I ask eager. Hopefully i could inherit some flying skills...

"Keeper." I smile at the thought. You need to be fast, agile. I cannot wait to try out.

"Brilliant, i'm going to try out. hopefully i'll be a keeper too." I smile, Harry smiles at me.
We all talk and talk until it's 11:30 at night.

"We'd best get some sleep, we've got school tomorrow!" I yawn smiling. Ron and Harry both nod, Harry kisses my cheek and mumbles good night. I say goodnight and retreat back to Hermione.

"You're still up?" I ask her when i see her head lamp is on overlooking a book from the library.

"Yes, I want to find out all about Hogwarts." She says like her life depends on it. I laugh and change into my pajamas.

"Nice pajamas Lily." Hermione snickers at my gray and white striped pajamas. I scowl at her. She giggles and continues reading. I hop into bed and fall into a deep sleep dreaming of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco Malfoy and Hogwarts. Even Draco Malfoy...

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