Chapter 6

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We finish the rest of potion, then the rest of the day flies by. When i'm done with classes I decide to spend the rest of my time in the library. I find an empty spot by a shelf. I get some parchment, some in and my quill. For history of magic class I have to write 10 inches about Hogwarts. I got about two inches done when Harry comes and sits next to me.

"Hey Lil. We need to talk." He says guiltily. He knows he did wrong, that's all I can ask for. I'm glad he's coming to me though.

"Yeah we do, but let me say something. I'm not mad, not at all, you were just trying to protect me. But you need to give me a chance to try and take care of myself, like at the Dursley's. But I appreciate that, and i don't think Draco was kidding when he said that he'd kick you guy's asses the next time you guys threaten him or do something physical." I chuckle. Harry chuckles back.

"But you're forgetting to look at this from our point of views." He says. Oh damn he got me. "I love you so much Lily and I just feel like he's going to use you, i don't know for what yet, but I don't want you to get hurt. I don't trust him yet." He finishes.

"Harry didn't you hear him when he admitted in front of everyone that he cares for me?" I say smiling looking into his eyes. He smiles.

"Oh right." He says. I chuckle.

"Oh right." I mock him. "You are such a dork." I say laughing. He kisses me on the cheek and laughs with me.

"There you two are, it's time for dinner!" Ginny comes into view. We both stand up, Harry stands faster, snakes an arm around Ginny's waist and brings her close to snog. I roll my eyes and laugh as it goes on for like two minutes.

"When do you guys breath?" I laugh. Ginny pulls back blushing. Harry smiles and pecks her quick, lets her go but still holds her hand, walking with us to the main hall.

"Seriously you guys never come up for air!" I say. We all laugh as we finally make it to the Gryffindor table. I sit next to Hermione who sits across from Ronald, Luna and neville sitting next to him. Luna and Neville are finally together, and i've never seen both of them more happy. It makes me smile. Harry sits next to me while Ginny sits next to harry. Fred and George are next to Ginny talking to Seamus.

When we're all leased expecting it, food appears almost magically in front of us. There is sandwiches, all the soup you can imagine, with a fruit plate and a raw vegetable plate. I pick up two triangles of ham, salami and cheese sandwiches, with some pineapple, raspberries, pea pods and some raw broccoli. Dinner is filled with laughter. When we're all finished Ginny, Luna, Hermione and I head up to the Gryffindor common room.

"So what's all going on? I feel like we haven't been talking." I confess. All the girls nod.

"Well things with Harry and I are good. I love him so much." Ginny says, the way she talks about him makes my heart melt, she does love him, and i'm glad. I know he loves her too. I smile at her.

"Same with Ron and I." Hermione confessed blushing. "I don't think i've ever loved someone more than him, other than my parents." She says smiling. I smile at her.

"Neville and I are taking it slow, but i do think i'm falling in love with him." Lun says in her sing-song voice. I smile at them.

"That's wonderful girls, i am so glad." I smile.

"Well? We've told you everything, it's your turn. Are you falling in love with Draco?" Ginny asks. I ponder this for a moment.

"At the moment, no but I really think he'll turn around. I think I will be falling in love with him, I just don't want things to fall into place where i love him too fast and he doesn't love me." I finish.

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