Chapter 2

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Five years later here I am. Lilian Jennifer Potter, the girl that looks exactly like her mum, with red hair and brown eyes matching Harry James Potter who looks like our dad except the eyes.

First year was good, the troll was ugly, but my favorite part was figuring out all the challenges with Ron, Hermione and Harry. Second year Dobby managed to 'almost' kill Harry and I with angry bludgers and managed to get us in lot's of trouble with the dursleys.

The Chamber of Secrets was scary, being locked in there with Lockhart. Also second year was great for Dobby because Harry set him free giving him a sock, the look on his face made it easy to forgive him.

Third year we managed to save Buckbeak Hagrid's Hippogriff, also saved Sirius Black our god father from the pesky dementors.

fourth year Harry was chosen to compete in the Tri Wizards Tournament, Being the youngest one to be at age 14. He left Hermione, Ron and I scared to half to death.

Hermione, Cho and I along with Fleur Delacour's little sister were charmed and asked to be held captive under the water for one of the challenges. It was weird seeing as how i don't remember any of it. But Harry saved me while, Viktor Krum saved Mione, Cedric (RIP) Digory saved Cho, Fleur was disqualified because she couldn't save her sister on time, a mermaid got to her and she was forced to retreat to the air.

Harry saved both me and her sister but suffered. Malfoy was turned into a ferret by Professor Moody, but only it wasn't Professor Moody it was Barty Crouch Jr., Who serves He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named.

The summer of 5th year Dudley, Harry and I were attacked by Dementors, having to use the expecto patronum charm we were expelled from school, Harry and I were tried at the Ministry of Magic where Dumbledore came to our rescue.

We were granted the honor to go back to school. Harry and I get rescued by Professor Moody, Tonks, and more to bring us to 12 Grimmauld place where the Order of Phoenix informs us about the war. Harry and I waste no time telling them that we want to fight. Neville, Luna, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Harry and I fly to the Ministry of Magic but was ambushed by death eaters wanting a glass sphere holding a prophecy that Voldemort wants.

We were dangerously out-matched but then the order members came to help. Then BellaTrix kills Sirius, the only family we have left. Dumbledore arrives and captures all of the death eater except for BellaTrix. Dumbledore fights with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, but after nothing happens He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named tries to posses Harry's soul without him suffering insufferable pain. The Ministry of Magic employees turn up in time to see The Dark Lord, but he disappears taking BellaTrix LeStrange with him.

Then we go back to Hogwarts. When the school is done and over with we go back to the dursley's to start the summer of torture again...

Now it's our 6th year and I couldn't be more excited.
Dumbledore took Harry and I to see Professor Slughorn. There was a knock on the door to the Dursley's and Uncle Vernon went to answer the door.
We heard a few curses and I was stifling a laugh.

"Out of the way please." We heard Dumbledore's voice. Harry and I looked at each other with wide eyes and grins. We hop of the chairs in the dining room and run to the door, our smiles only grew when we saw Dumbledore was actually there. Harry shook hands with him after I ran and hugged.

"Professor! Why are you here?" I ask still smiling like a child on christmas morn.

"Harry, You and I need to pay a visit with another professor, I want him to come out of retirement. Professor Slughorn." Dumbledore says his voice soft and gentle but eager and enthusiastic at the same time.
We both nod but that's when Uncle Vernon stepped in.

"Oh no no no, they're not going anywhere!" Uncle Vernon said, face red with anger.

"Harry, Lily grab my arm please." Dumbledore said calmly looking at Vernon dead in the eye. We both obey and the next thing i know is i hear Vernon screaming and Harry and I screaming. Then we are in another neighborhood. I bend down grabbing my knees trying not to throw up.

"It's ok, everyone does the same thing when it's their first time apparating." He says chuckling at a doubled over Harry and Lily. We take a few deep breaths and recover, then follow Dumbledore into a house. As soon as we step inside the house is trashed, everything is thrown astray, the walls ripped, there was even what looked like blood on the ceiling, I was honestly a little freaked out. A drop fell on Harry's forehead. Dumbledore turned around and poked the blood drop on his forehead, turned his finger and put the blood on his tongue.

"Dragon's blood." He murmurs to himself. He turns back around, walks to an ordinary arm chair and poked it. Then to my surprised popped a head out of the middle. I nearly jumped into Harry's arms as he yelled in surprise.

Then he turned back into a wizard in pajamas and a bathrobe.
"Horace Slughorn! My dear old friend!" Dumbledore smiles. The old friend embrace.

"May I ask, but why were you posed as an armchair?" I ask curiously.

"I've been hiding from Death Eaters, they've been trying to get me to join their detestable 'family'". He says in disgust. Harry and I chuckle.

"Well why don't we make the house a little more... Like a house." Dumbledore says whipping out his wand, with a swish and flick, the house rearranges itself. Harry and I watch in contentment. Then I noticed a moving picture.

I walk over to a hutch with some pictures. There's one with a person on a broomstick, another with a group of people. This one caught my attention. I pick it up and look. I notice Sirius. He looks so young. I look below him and see what looks like Neville Longbottom's parents. I look to the right of Sirius and i see my parents.

"You both look like her you know." Professor slughorn says standing behind us. I feel the water come to my eyes as I trace my fingers over Sirius's and my parents' face.

"She was an astounding student Lily. Your father an breathtaking quidditch player and am amazing potion student."

He praises our parents and i can't help the one stray tear that rolls down my cheek. I wipe the tear and sniffle. Harry rubs my back. Dumbledore comes back holding a knitting magazine.

"Horace would you mind if i take this? I do love myself a good catalogue." He says looking at it adoringly. I chuckle and Professor Slughorn nods.

"So Horace we came here to ask if you could come back to Hogwarts and teach Potions again." Dumbledore asks curtly.

"No! Do you know how much danger i'll be in? The Death Eaters are already annoying now they'll be even worse!" He mumbles on.

"Alright Horace." Dumbledore says mockingly but professor doesn't catch on.

"Come on children let's go back to Hogwarts." Dumbledore says. He walks to the front door, with us following close behind. We made it about 20 steps out the door before professor Slughorn runs out the front door.
"Fine Dumbledore but I want a raise! And a bigger office not that tiny square you call a classroom."

"Thank you Horace!" Dumbledore smiles.

Harry and I chuckle then grab his arm once again to feel ourselves being whooshed to Hogwarts.
"Professor, what about our things?" I ask

"You'll find them in your dormitories." He replies.

"Thank you." We both respond and walk out of the office.

"Oh and the password this year is Abstinence." Dumbledore chuckles. I am laughing my arse off doubling over. Harry is giggling at me laughing so hard.

I still have the giggles when we reach the fat lady, I couldn't even say the word, Harry had to.

"Heeheehee" I giggle at Harry.
"Why do you think that's so funny?" He asks me still smiling.

"Heehee because i know a lot of people who have already had sex their 4th year!" I still laugh.
"Have you?" Harry asks.
I stop laughing.

"No. Why?" I ask again.
"I dunno, I'm just asking."
"Well no, have you?"
I laugh.

"Well we'd better go to the great hall for the feast and the sorting." I say.
Harry wraps an arm around my shoulders and squeeze. He lets me go and we walk down to the hall.

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