Chapter 9

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"What the bloody hell is wrong with you Lily?!" Ron yells at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him getting annoyed and confused.

"Why would you bring Malfoy to Gryffindor table when he is Slytherin?!" He screams again.

"Ronald calm down!" I say getting pissed off now.

"No! I will not calm down! Lilian listen I love you but I hate you right now!"

"Do not use my real name! You know I hate it! You know what you can't judge me for loving someone." I scream at him.

"Oh yes i can! You Gryffindor. Malfoy Slytherin. An arrogant asshole who tormented us horribly!" He continues yelling. I feel some tears brimming my eyes.

"Ron come on. I love him. He loves me." I say my voice cracking.

"No Lilian! He doesn't love you! He never will!" He screams at me.

"Ronald Billius Weasley! Get the hell away from her!" Ginny yells at him, then she slaps him. Hermione takes him by the arm and walks him into the bathroom.

I crumble into a sobbing heap of girl. Harry and Ginny are by my side and Harry picks me up to rock me back and forth. When i cry at first nothing comes out so my eyes are clenched shut, and my mouth is wide open and no sound is out. Then i let out a scream. I'm crying so hard. I hear Hermione yelling at Ron in the other room, then a door slam. I feel another pair of hands on my back comforting me.

"I-..I... He-... I.. Love.. Hi-.. Ron..." I wail not being able to talk.

"Shhh do you want me to get Draco?" Harry whispers in my ear. I sob more.

"Y-yes" I try to speak. I feel departing footsteps. I'm not sure who went. I'm trying to stop crying but it's like my tear ducts aren't connected to my brain which is trying desperately to stop crying. I finally finished wailing i instead give a few sobs and a lot of sniffles.

Hermione's POV

As soon as Ginny yelled at Ron, I took him by the forearm and took him into the bathroom.

"Ronald! What the hell was that about?!" I scream at him.

"She should not have brought Malfoy! He tormented you and Harry! Aren't you forgetting that he called you a mudblood? I tried to curse him and it backfired on to me! He almost killed Harry that quidditch game second year, and he's a death eater!" Ron yells back.

"Ron! She is finally happy! She loves him and he loves her back! She talks to me about this stuff Ronald! She told me about her first kiss, about everything that's going on with Draco and he is not a death eater! His mum is trying to escape in fact she could come any day now! Stop making acusations!" I yell at him crossing my arms.

"I don't give a shit about his mum! I care about Harry and Lily and how this affects them! I'm just looking out for her!" He screams at me.

"Ronal Weasley! How many times do I have to say this? How many times does she have to say it! You were there when she explained everything to Harry, why can't you listen?" I ask him.

"Because he is a Malfoy!" He screams back.

"Get over yourself Ron and grow up! Stop holding grudges!" I scream. I open the bathroom door and slam it walking out.

I see Lily sibbing crmpled in heap and i automatically feel grief. I should have told him to stop before he said all those things. I walk over to her and start rubbing her back.

"Do you want me to go and get Draco?" I hear Hary whisper in her ear. Harry nods over to me. I nod and run out the portrait.

Draco's POV

I was laying on the couch reading a book about Quidditch in the common room when Hermione Granger runs into the room.

"Malfoy, it's Lily." She says. Those simple words made my heart jump into my throat. What happened? What's wrong with Lily, brace yourself Draco. I jump off the couch dropping the book, Hermione looks guilty, she does't explain she just runs. I follow her out of the Slytherin portrait hole, i nearly knock into Professor Snape. He must have let her in. I run as fast as i can following Granger to Gryffindor common room. There is see Lily in the arms of Potter with tears rolling down her face. Her cheeks are red and her eyes are puffy.

"What happened?" I say frantic. I drop down to take her into my arms. SHe throws her arms around me and sobs quietly into my shoulder.

"Ron. He said some things that he regrets toward her." Harry says. The wealette- Ginny i mean looks like she is going to cry just by looking at lilly. I can feel my face redden with anger.

"What did he say?" I growl.

"You love her right?" Harry asks. Well that hurts.

"Of course i do! Come on Potter i thought i atleast had your trust." I say annoyed.

"That's what Ron said Malfoy! That you were incapable of loving her." Harry says back equally annoyed. Oh.

"Oh Lily, you know I love you." I say squeezing her. I noticed that she cried herself to sleep. Ginny noticed too.

"Draco take her up to her room. She sleeps on the top bunk but lay her on mine. Come on i'll show you." Ginny says getting up. I pick Lily up bridal style and follow Ginny with Potter number 1 behind me. We walk into the girl's dormitory and Ginny motions to her bed. I bend down to lay her in but she clings to my shirt. I look at Ginny and she nods. I pick Lily back up and lay her on top of me. Her hands rest on my chest and mine are wrapped around her waist. Harry leans down to kiss her forehead. When he does he takes Ginny down to the common room. I watch her sleep for a while, her eyes clenched shut tight. Some tears are still rolling down her cheeks. I wipe them away with the pad of my thumb. I wipe some of her red locks out of her face. Soon affter I fall asleep too.

Lily's POV

The next morning I am still in Draco's arms. He is still asleep, with his tousled bed hair and his eyes shut. His chest rising and falling slowly. I kiss his nose trying to wake him up. No luck. I kiss his lips, he doesn't kiss back- at first. Then he does.

"What a great way to wake up in the morning." He smirks when we finish. I giggle, and start to get up.

"No no no come back." He says grabbing my waist. I fall back onto him giggling.

"Draco we're going to be late for potions!" I exclaim smiling at him.

"Ugh." He says playfully.

"Mhm that's what i thought." I chuckle. "I've got to take a shower." I say standing up.

"We could take one together, save some water." He says smirking putting his hands on the back of his head.

"You wish Draco Malfoy." I say playfully scolding him.

"You've caught me, I do." He says with the fake disappointment.

"Shag first then shower." I wink.

"Oh ho ho, as you wish." He says. He jumps off the bed. My eyes go wide as he play tackles me on the bed. I squeal an laugh.

"No! He's got me!" I say. "Damsel in distress!" I cry out putting my hand on my forehead.

"I'll never let you go either." He growls in a low huskey voice. He rests his lips on my neck, kissing. He goes up and sucks on a spot behind my ear.

I feel him smirk against my skin. He stops and looks into my eyes.

I nod. He kisses me more passionately then he ever has and I am glad to give my virginity to man I love.

(Authors Note!- Hey guys thanks for reading!!)

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