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𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐒 Grumpy's  birthday, it was a very important day for (Y/N) and Baji

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𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐌𝐒 Grumpy's birthday, it was a very important day for (Y/N) and Baji. It was also an important day for Ms (L/N), but she was away for business and couldn't celebrate the day with them.

Baji had been saving up money to buy a special present for Ms Grumpy and (Y/N), he couldn't wait to show (Y/N) and see the expression on her face when she saw his gift. He even bought himself a matching version to the gift he bought (Y/N), he did it not only because he wanted to match with her but he also wanted to hint to her that he likes her.. a lot.

The long haired boy skipped down the street on his way to (Y/N)'s house, he had asked his mother if she could help him dress up slightly more formal than normal so he would look good for the small birthday party they were holding for Ms Grumpy (the only people attending the birthday party were him, (Y/N), Chifuyu and the young girl (Y/N) was babysitting).

He walked through her apartment complex, stopping when he saw (Y/N) pushing the young girl she was babysitting on the swing, Chifuyu sat next to her, Ms Grumpy on his lap. Baji was slightly disappointed since he was late but, when he saw the bright smile that appeared on the (h/c) haired girls face when she held eye contact with him, fireworks exploded in his stomach and his heart swelled in joy.

She ran towards him, her body moving on its own, hugging him tightly once she reached him. Baji laughed at her actions, not even trying to cover the fact that he was blsuhing like crazy. He loosely wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. They stayed like that for a few more seconds before (Y/N) pulled away.

"I thought you weren't coming because you were talking so long," she stated, slapping his cheek softly.

"I would never miss Ms Grumpy's birthday party, she's one of my favourite cats. Seeing you is a bonus too," he uttered.

"You see me everyday... Anyway, I'll introduce you to Tsumugi, she's the girl I'm babysitting." (Y/N) said, walking back to Chifuyu and Tsumugi.

Hirota Tsumugi is a ten year old girl, she is (Y/N)'s neighbour's daughter. She has dark brown hair and enchanting grey eyes. (Y/N) often babysits Tsumugi when her parents are busy with work. Tsumugi has a complicated relationship with her parents, she prefers spending time with (Y/N) rather than them and she's stated multiple times that she doesn't like being called her last name becuase it associates her with her parents. She told (Y/N) that she wants to grow up fast so she can move out of her parents house. Tsumugi views (Y/N) as an older sister, she looks up to the her and wants to be just like her.

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