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(mentions of rape

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(mentions of rape. it is only mentioned once in one paragraph and it's just Baji explain what happened to Pah-chin's friends girlfriend. it will also be mentioned next chapter since that chapter will be the toman meeting and i'll also put a warning above that chapter)

(𝐘/𝐍) 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 still sat on the hill, the sun had now set and (Y/N) was resting her head on Baji's shoulder.

"I noticed that no one really calls you Keisuke. Is it ok if I ask why?" (Y/N) spoke up, lifting her head of his shoulder to look at him.

"I don't mind you asking." He paused before speaking again, "a few people still call me Keisuke, mostly my parents and Mikey's Grandpa. I don't really like people calling me Keisuke anymore because someone important to me called me Keisuke and he's dead now... his death was my fault."

(Y/N) didn't know what to say, she wasn't very good at comforting people, she was worried that her words might not sound empathetic. She truly felt bad for Baji, it must've been hard to loose someone close to him and at such a young age.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She said, deciding to keep it short and simple. She didn't really know what to say about the persons death being Baji's fault and hoped he'd explain a bit more about it.

"I understand you don't know what to say, especially about the whole his death being my fault. I'll explain about it a bit more. Shinichiro was his name, he was like an older brother to me, he obviously wasn't my older brother since I'm an only child but he was like one. He was loving, funny and he even let me beat him up sometimes which was nice. He was a loser but one that everyone loved." Baji said

He explained more about Shinichiro and everything that happened with him, Kazutora and Mikey.

"Shinichiro always called me Keisuke and after his death I decided that only people who make me feel safe, happy, loved and people who I really like can call me Keisuke." He explained

(Y/N) thought for a moment before speaking up.

"I don't think his death was anyone's fault. It's not Kazutora's fault, it's not Mikey's fault and it's definitely not your fault. I think it was just a terrible accident that sadly resulted in his death. I don't think you should blame his death on yourself Baji-"

(if you hate on Kazutora i'll hunt you down and show you my powerpoint presentation explaining why it's not his fault #kazutoraprotector)

"Call me Keisuke." He cut her off

"What?" She question, thinking she heard him wrong.

"Call me Keisuke." He repeated

"Really? You want me to call you Keisuke?"

"Yes. I like you a lot (Y/N), you make me feel happy and safe and I want you to call me Keisuke. You said that I shouldn't blame his death on myself and I'm going to try and not do that anymore."

"Ok, I'll call you Keisuke," she smiled.

Baji was about to say something when his phone rang. He mouthed 'give me a second' to (Y/N) before picking up the phone.

On the other side of the phone was a distressed Pah, he seemed to be crying, which was a rare thing from the usually happy male. That's when Baji knew something was wrong.

"Pah, what's wrong?" He asked

Pah explained everything and Baji's demeanor changed, he was feeling a whole bunch of emotions, but the first thing he wanted to do was support his friend. He decided he was going to go to Pah's after walking (Y/N) home to comfort his friend.

He said a few comforting words to Pah before hanging up and turning to (Y/N).

"What's wrong?" She questioned noticing the frown on his face.

"Pah is really distressed. A new big gang attack his friend and his friends girlfriend. They beat his friend up and beat and raped his friends girlfriend until the point where she was hospitalized." Baji explained, a look of disgust on his face.

"That is terrible. That poor girl... The people who did that to her are truly disgusting, I hope they rot in hell. I hope her and Pah's friend are safe now. That must be tough on Pah, you should go see him, I can walk myself home."

"I'm going to see him, after I walk you home."

Baji stood up sticking his hand out for her to help her up.

"Thanks," she gave him a soft smile.

He held her hand tightly as they walked down the dimly lit street. After hearing what happened to Pah's friends girlfriend, he remembered that those things could happen to anyone. Sure Baji was a delinquent and he did beat people up but he would never do anything like what the other gang did to that girl.

He was now scared for (Y/N) even more than before, he knew she could protect herself but he was worried for her safety. He decided he was going to protect her from any of the terrible delinquents and bad people in the world.

But can he protect her from all of them?

When they reached her house he hugged her tightly, muttering "text me when you get into your apartment, I want to make sure you're safe" before kissing her on the cheek and waving goodbye.

(Y/N)'s cheeks heated up and her heart fluttered. She shouted goodbye and waved him off before making her way to her apartment. Once she made it into her apartment she pulled out her phone texting Baji and telling him that she made it to her apartment safely.

She then watched TV with Ms Grumpy and her mum for the rest of the night.

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