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((Y/N) still has a cast bc her arm is still broken)

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((Y/N) still has a cast bc her arm is still broken)

𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐍𝐃 (𝐘/𝐍) walked down the street, his arm draped around her shoulder, slightly pulling her into his chest. He was too scared to hold her hand, he was worried it would become all clammy since he was so nervous.

Baji and (Y/N) we're going to go to an art class, but neither of them had enough money to pay for it so they were going to sneak it — (Y/N) didn't know this though, she didn't even know where they were going.

Baji knew the teacher of the class so he assumed it was okay for them to crash it and just mess around at the back of the class. The teacher of the class was actually his old babysitter.

"Where are we going, Baji?" (Y/N) groaned in annoyance, leaning into him slightly, she was tired of walking.

The small movement sent butterflies through Baji's stomach. "You'll see when we get there," he grinned, ruffling her hair.

"Is there anything I'm allowed to know?"

"We're here."

"Oh... what is this place?"

"Come on, I'll help you climb through the window." He said dismissing her question.

He climbed into the window, helping her up after him, she almost fell onto him once she entered the room because he yanked her arm so hard.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, once he saw the glare she was giving him.

She didn't have enough time to roll her eyes because he grabbed her hand pulling her along through a hallway and into the back of a classroom.

She looked around noticing that they were sitting in the back of an art class, two canvases in front of them. People started entering the classroom just as they had sat down.

How'd he drag me here so fast??! She thought to herself

She looked over to Baji, noticing that he wore a pair of glasses that she didn't know he had brought with him. His legs were crossed, his elbow rested on his knee and his face was rested on his palm.

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