Chapter 13 - Life-changing decisions

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It had been two days. Jenny had been emitted from the hospital. The families rented some rooms in the town, but they had to make decision on the whole situation.

"Dear, we need a new home." Sarah sighed. John nodded. "I know, love. We will have to wait for the insurance company to give us the money. And...They won't pay enough for a new house like the one we had in town." he sighed. 

"We will l have to get a smaller place or move outside of town or..." 

"John...Maybe we should get out of town. You are a farmer. Maybe it's time for us to go back to that. Away for the city life" Sarah said. John kept thinking before he answered. 

"Yeah, maybe it is. I just feel bad, Sarah. I first promised you in Walnut Grove that we never had to move again. And then we went here, and now we might leave this place ---" 

"John. Walnut Grove wasn't your fault. We had to leave. There was no town left after the railroad company took it." 

John sighed. "I know. But I really wished for it to be our last home."

"So did I." Sarah sighed and took his hand and gave it a little kiss. "But we have to make the best out of it." They could have moved to Sleepy Eye where Almanzo and Laura lived. But it was a town and John couldn't pursue his farmer dream again there. The Carters were in a tough position. Where could they start all over - once again?

Eric knocked on John and Sarah's room. "John, can I talk with you for a moment?" he asked through the door. John gave the door a look before he turned his eyes at Sarah. "I'll be back soon. We will figure it out, dear." He gave her forehead a kiss before he left the room. 

He and Eric walked over to Eric and his family's room. "So what did you want to talk about?" John asked as he sat down on one of the chairs.

"I asked Nina to take the kids out so we could talk. I know you are in a tough spot now, John. Where to make a new home for your family and all. I discussed it with Nina, and we could like you to stay at our house until you have made a decision. And I know you would probably say no - but please consider it for the kids and Sarah's sake. We have big house, it will plenty of room for you. And it's only a few hours from here. Jason and Jeb could attend the school meanwhile. I'm sure we can find you some temporary work. Please consider it, John."

John tried to consume it all. He didn't like the thought of having to live with his brother until he could figure things out for his family, but he had to think of Sarah and his kids. 

"I have to discuss it with Sarah first, but...I thank you for the offer, Eric." John said and stood up. "I'll let you know as soon as I have talked with Sarah." 

Eric nodded. "Of course. Take the time you need." he smiled.


Jenny had to rest the next couple of days but could move outside of bed at least, as long as she wasn't running or doing any hard work. She looked at Laura, while sitting in the bed. 

"Aunt Laura, could I go to be with Jeb and Lance?" Laura folded some clothes. 

"Jenny, are you sure you feel well enough for that?" Jenny nodded. "I'll take it easy. Not running or anything like that. I promise." Laura sighed and gave her a smile. 

"Fine. But remember - we are all going to eat supper together tonight. You need to get home before that to wash up and change first. Alright?" 

Jenny smiled. "Yes, aunt Laura." she said as she gave a little jump up from the bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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