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Ellen was lying on the bed, Patrick doing something inside of the bathroom. She looked around. Their bathroom now, actually, she thought smiling a little. Immeadiately after doing it she rolled her eyes at herself, and because of that, she started to giggle. Thank god Patrick was in the bathroom - she giggled again - or he would probably declare her insane. He did that a lot, but he always kissed her afterwards and told her it didn't matter. She liked it.

Well, the kissing thing, not the insane thing. Actually, she liked that too. She liked to be able to call someone stupid without meaning it, and she liked that when she called her insane or crazy or an idiot, his eyes said something else. It was in those moments she belived he could actually be the one.

She usually didn't think to much about that, but she couldn't help the smile creeping up on her face everytime she did.

And they were sharing a room. It wasn't that big of a deal really, but she was surprised over how different it felt. Like they actually ment something. She wanted them to mean something, and she didn't want to think about moving back to LA. She had actually played with the thought not to move back. The place was just loaded with bad memories. She didn't want to give up her movie career, but she didn't have to live in LA to keep it up. Not really. She could stay here.

Of course she couldn't stay in this hotel room forever, and that brought up issue number two. What was Patrick going to do? They weren't talking about it, and without really admitting it to herself, Ellen didn't want to make a real decision without knowing that. So she waited. And he waited. She realized she couldn't make a decision based on him, but... she could think about it. Yeah. Think.

Unfortunately, that made her think of the abusing-shit-stupid-incident a week ago. She couldn't belive Chris would say something like that to a reporter. Or, she guessed she could, but it was all so... it was a low blow. Why would he do it? She knew he was an ass, she just hadn't understood he was that big of an ass.

It had been satisfying to call up the editor though. It turned out he was just substituting for the real chief editor, and he had been absolutely terrified when Ellen had told him to publish "an apology people will actually be able to see" the next day, or she would "sue his ass of".

Patrick had still been a little in shock by then, but he last part had made him laugh.

Speaking of Patrick, Ellen suddenly saw him sticking his head out the bathroom doorway, a toothbrush in his hand.

"A a'ice schunk," he said, his mouth full of toothpaste. Ellen giggled.


His head disappeared again and she heard water running. He then strolled out again, wearing only his pajama pants.

"That article stunk," he said again, this time a little more clearly.

"Yes, it did," Ellen answered. They had talked about this during the past week, both having the feeling that it would just bother them more if they pretended like it hadn't happened. "It was complete bullshit."

"No," Patrick said. "Or yes I mean, but that wasn't what I meant. Or, ah. You know what I mean."

"I'm not so sure about that right now." Ellen smiled as he dropped down on the bed beside her. They had developed a pattern that usually ment that the one who was fastest into the bathroom got to chose side of the bed. They had figured this out after they both every night kept changing their minds about which side they wanted to sleep on. This time Ellen had taken the left side, and Patrick had his back turned towards the door as he continued talking.

"I mean that the idea stunk. He must have realized that anyone at any time could have recognized that he used to be your boyfriend. And that you would just force the paper to correct it as soon as you saw it."

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