Chapter 1: Liberty Land

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I ran through the streets, pumping my arms fiercely and shaking the water off of my pant leg as I ran through the streets of Seattle. Oh, I haven't introduced myself; hi, I'm Haru Brandon, and I'm getting chased by the cops. You must be thinking something along the lines of 'no one gives two craps about what you're name is get on with the cops part'. Well, that sucks for you, cause you're stuck with me, for some reason I'm the 'so-called protagonist'.

Anyways, so I'm running from the cops...yep. I'll get to that later, first you get to know about me! Yay! (You're either grinning or doing a facepalm right now, huh?)

So I'm 15 years old, I got super for real. Yea, because of these damn powers I was ripped away from my normal life, not that my friends or family cared much, they were just glad they didn't need to be seen with me anymore. So I was among the many other 'Supers' that were arrested and tossed in prison. I don't know if you know this but that's a pretty traumatizing thing for an 8 year old.

Prison sucked but I wasn't there long, I was one of the lucky people to get rescued after The Seceding. The Seceding was this thing that happened in Quebec a while back, a bunch of us 'Supers' got fed up with prison and broke out, went north to this new island they found in the Beaufort Sea, Libertatum Island is what they're calling it. Personally I think it's too long of a name, most of my friends agree with me and we just call it Liberty Land, it has a nice ring to it right? We used our powers to build our civilization, though I wish they would've found some place warmer, Liberty Land is freezing. We get our food from hunting in the National Parks. We mostly hunt caribou, squirrels and even bears sometimes, we also take wolves as our personal pets, which is why their population has been dropping recently...don't tell anyone about that last part.

So, after a month or so, multiple Super Prisons had been busted into, including my own. The media exploded with stories of a secret "Super Society" hidden somewhere in the Canadian wilderness. Of course we have a few people with the power to manipulate electromagnetic waves so they haven't been able to find us yet.

Our main goal so far is to free as many of our kind as possible, and to cause as much trouble as possible along the way. (That last part is what I tend to focus on) This is actually part of why I'm being chased by the cops. Another rescue mission. They don't let the kids like me into the main action so they just use us as the distractions, well, only the ones that won't get themselves caught.

Back to the action. People stopped and stared at me as the sirens of cop cars rang through the city. The government installed speakers all over the city to alert citizens of our raids, as I expected the same Please stay out of the streets and find cover blah blah blah played over the speakers. I heard the words 'dangerous' and 'evil' in there somewhere. I smiled at the thought of fitting that description.

I rounded the corner much to the horror of the pedestrians hiding behind the benches. I flashed a toothy grin and continued on, the splashing of the police's feet not far behind. I pulled back my sleeve and checked my wrist watch, 6:05, behind schedule. I looked for the nearest alleyway and sprinted inside.

Once I reached the end, I turned back to the entrance and faced my enemies with a smile. The two of them entered the alley and bent over, panting. I leaned against the back wall, watching them with my famous "Devil Grin" as Shyla calls it. Once they caught their breath both pulled out their Tasers and pointed them at me.

"Oh come on guys! We don't need to fight! There was an awesome café back there if you want to go grab-"I didn't get to finish, they both fired. Unfortunately for them, they messed with the wrong Super. I raised my hand and a small, yellow glow burst forth, illuminating the grey alley.

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