Chapter V

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As the days passed, the two legions, the Quarta Italica and the Quinta Fulminata, kept advancing towards the Eternal City. It was, then, when they were informed by some scouts that they had found a papal army a couple kilometers ahead. The two relatives then summoned the Tribunes and other high-ranking officers and told them the strategy: the cavalry was going to ride towards them then later retreat; the legionnaires would be hidden and then in the right time, they would leave from their hidden spots and charge at the papal army while shouting; hopefully causing commotion on the enemy.

It was then, when they put the plan in motion. The cavalry then went towards the enemies, who, in turn, began persecuting them. Some fell, however, but that did not stop the riders as they executed the plan.

Some minutes later, the infantry then rose up and charged against the enemy while crying out "VICTORY FOR ROME!", "FOR THE CAESAR!" That slightly confused the enemies, but the general Alessandro of the papal army had expected such plan. The two legions then clashed with the enemy's one and began fighting, the opponent was surrounded, however.

Andronikos had killed many enemies while riding his reddish horse, "Mars". He then had spotted the enemy general, Alessandro was attempting to get away to regroup with his guards who had lost him. At that, Andronikos quickly spurred his horse, rode towards the general, and impaled him with his spear on the neck. The enemy leader had fallen dead. He pulled his spear out from the leader's neck, then continued to fight.

The battle lasted for some time, but eventually ended in being a decisive victory for East Rome. No captives were taken; everyone was put to death immediately by order of Michael. After the execution, the legions began marching again from the battlefield and later set up a camp in a plain, still far away from Rome.

Andronikos was talking with the legionnaires as to keep their morale high. That is, until a veteran centurion, a primus pilus, appeared on scene. His name was Claudius; he was from Sicily.

"Salve." Claudius said as he roman saluted the "Rex Italiae" Andronikos and took a seat around the campfire.

"Salve, frater." Andronikos said back; he had referred the primus pilus as a brother, something not so common.

"Tell us a fact, Claudius." A legionnaire said to him as the others agreed with him with a nod.

"Do you want a fact? Let me think..." He said as he thought for a little then said, "The Basileus Isaakios Kouneres had Latinized East Rome during his reign, which lasted from 1062 to 1109. His successors had also followed his will, which was to turn the Empire into a more Latin one. Isaakios also changed the title of Basileus in 1074 to titles like Imperator, Caesar, and Augustus. Not only had those changed, but he also modified the many titles of the military, naming them after some of the old Roman ones."

"This man should be a scholar, not a military officer." A decurio said; which was most likely a corporal.

"I have seen him in battle, and he excels at it, he is a great warrior, I got to admit." Andronikos said.

"I do have knowledge of many things, and I do also fight well. It is a blessing from the Writer." Claudius said as a legionnaire gave him a confused look.

The legionnaire spoke further, "Who is this Writer you have mentioned?"

"Only a couple privileged people like Apollo, Arcadius Zarkist, I and some others can understand such things." The centurion said, this time, everyone getting confused.

They did not get deeper in that matter, so they quickly changed the topic of the conversation to one that could be understood by everyone. As the time passed eventually the morning came and after dismantling the camp the two legions began marching towards Rome again, taking over villages or small cities on their way, defeating small companies of enemies. Meanwhile, the Eastern Roman Empire was struggling to conquer Hungarian territory. Russia was helping from the North as they also attacked Poland. The war could possibly last even a decade or more if this situation kept being like this. The people, however, were happy they could maybe retake Rome and some other key cities of the former Roman Empire.

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