Chapter X

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As time passed, Andronikos had become acquainted with Irene; they had become good friends, in fact. Meanwhile, Apollo had chosen to stay with them a little longer and had become friends with Claudius. These two, Apollo and Claudius were like brothers in their belief, as they both had faith in the Writer.

Apollo not only was weird in that aspect, but he also used to mention someone he called "Roubs". In addition, when the legionnaires asked him who that person was, he always responded that she was some girl he had to meet someday.

However, taking that to aside, the three legions had later departed from Pisa and kept marching further towards Lombard territory. Irene had suggested quickly taking over Milan and killing the royal family, as it would generate commotion in the Kingdom of Lombardy. Andronikos had considered her plan, but he was most likely going to do just as she suggested.

On their way, they had been intercepted by a Holy Order at the service of the Catholic Alliance. However, the Romans vanquished the Catholic Knights. Apollo had fiercely fought, despite he was not a participant of the war.

After a couple months, the three legions were closer to Milan. Andronikos was about to start sieging the capital of the Lombards but an unexpected fight with a Lombard army had left him injured, not fatally, however. The battle was a victory for Rome, but Andronikos could not lead the siege.

Michael, Andronikos' cousin, along with Adnah had been appointed as acting leaders of the three legions while Andronikos was injured. Apollo was still among the Romans and was most likely an unofficial helper of the leaders.

Andronikos and Irene were sent to a neighbor city, which was under Roman control. However, Apollo had offered himself to accompany them throughout the way to the city.

They took around five days to get to there, and as soon as they got to the city, they were taken to a cozy house.

"I just hope Michael and Adnah could start sieging the city and whenever I return just continue with it."

"They will, do not worry, Andronikos." Irene said.

"However, where is that Apollo?"

"I think he told me he was going to the marketplace."

"Oh, I see." He took a brief pause before asking, "Could you bring that book to me?" He said as he pointed towards the table.

Irene nodded and got; she took the book and gave it to him.

"Thank you." He said as he took the book and opened it, now starting to read.

"What is it about?"

"About a... wait." He got to the page he had to start reading, and then continued, "The book is set in the year 1519, where a man sets sail to supposedly go all around the world. It is a nice book; Apollo gave it to me the day before yesterday."

"Go all around the world? I do not understand that."

"Me neither, but the book itself is well-written."

"Could you read aloud? I would like to hear the story."

Andronikos nodded then went to the beginning of the first chapter. Afterwards, he began reading it aloud. Irene was paying attention, entertained as he read.

Sometime later, Apollo returned from the marketplace. Irene was asleep, while Andronikos was reading to self

"Oh, you are reading the book I gave you."

"I find it interesting, very interesting."

"Ah, I see you are a man of culture, as well. You like those kinds of books."

"I do."

After the brief conversation, Andronikos kept reading as Apollo went to clean his sword he nicknamed "Ares".

As time eventually passed, Andronikos had recovered from his injury and as soon as they were ready to depart from the city, they did so. They now headed to Milan, hoping Michael and Adnah were still sieging the city, and it was so, fortunately. Apollo was still accompanying them; however, it was unknown why.

As soon as they got to Milan, they found out that the three legions had already taken over the capital of the Lombards and their King Luca II Sforza was taken to imprisonment along with the royal family. Andronikos had later ordered to execute them, and in the evening, the order was carried out.

Despite having taken Milan, Lombardy was still fighting against them, and they were strong enough to resist for a couple more years. How much could it really take to destroy them all? How much time will it take until the war ends? It is unknown...

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