Chapter 1

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Takes place after the pilot

3rd person pov

N watched as Uzi continued to laugh maniacally at the thought of killing all humans. once she was done laughing she walked back into the done where she found N & V sitting by the pod. V was still tired up while N kept her company among with keeping his stinger on her neck just in case she tried somthing. Oddly enough V didn't seem to be as angry as they expected her to be. Rather she seemed to show some surprise at how deadly N cold be. Every time she would try and move her tail N would press the tip of his tail into her neck cousin her to stop, N would heal her wound with a lick since they couldn't exactly let her go but it did leave N with an embarrassing expression on his face. Uzi divides to take watch of V since her gun was charged and N needed to go dung for some oil. Uzi didn't like the fact her friend had to hunt other drones for there oil otherwise he'll overheat and shut down but she didn't have any idea on how to fix that part of him. So till then she had to just deal with it.

Usi: Hey N. How's V so far?

Asked Usi as she walked over to the two.

N: She's doing great!*sticks out hand and holder out 2fingers* I only had to stab her 2 times so far!

N said proudly. UZI looked over at V who had a wicked smile on her face.

V: When I get out of here I'm going to make you watch as N & I devour your entire colony! *begins laughing creepily* and there's nothing you would me able to do about it! Your gun takes to long to charge!

Uzi: Oh yea?! *moved in front of V and points the gun at her* and what if I kill you right here right now?

V: * giggles* You won't. *looked over at N then back at Usi* N would never allow that. And even if he did that will only leave you and him and death drones need to rest so it won't take much for you to just kill him as well and return to your colony! It's safer for N if there are two of us! *looked back over at N and smiles* and he knows it!


V: ARE TOU SURE?! *smiles* HE'S KILLED LITERAL TONS OF YOU! You've seen what he can do to your kind and how quickly he can do it. So don't Robo bull shit yourself. Because I know deep down you will always be scared of him and want him dead.

Uzi wanted to pull the trigger. She really did but she couldn't. V's words kept radiating around in her head. She didn't know what to do so she just turned the gun over and smashed the butt end in V's face knocking her out. She just stared at V's unconscious form and spoke to N without taking her eyes off V.

Uzi: Go. Go get your fill. I'll keep an eye on her.

N was about to say somthing to her. But decided not to. She needed her space right bow and N knew it so without another word N extended his wings and flew off into the night sky in order to enough oral for himself and V.

N POV 3hours after leaving Uzi & V

N thoughts: Still nothing. Man I'm hungry. Wait a minute. I killed a bunch of drones at Uzi's colony! I cold just collect them!

I began making my way back to the colony and found that they already sealed the door once again. So I took back to the air and found the hole I left threw. I landed in the middle of a group of drones cleaning the aftermath of the previous nights slaughter. They all looked at me in fear but then slowly calmed down after they realized it was me.

THAD: O-Oh hey... O.. right?

I walked up to him and he looked like he was about to coolant his pants.

N: It's N

THAD: N! Right! Sorry... anyway, what are you doing here? Pleas tell me your not here to kill us all!

Murder Drones Uzi x N x V Where stories live. Discover now