Chapter 1: The job

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Welcome to vampire hunters. Hopefully you enjoy this story. (Just a reminder that it will not have smut and there will be daily uploads unless stated otherwise).
Quackity POV.

How unfair is this? I messed up one little bit of file work which let one dangerous vampire go free and now I am responsible for teaching rookies about vampires. I would have much rather had duties like picking up the blood from the blood bank or cleaning up the citadel where I worked.

Okay, so that was a lie but teaching rookies about vampires was like showing an animal to a toddler, so many stupid questions about it. I resisted the urge to grit my teeth as I turned to glance at the 24 kids between the age of 16 and 18 sitting in front of me.

“When you got letters or emails from us it stated that we thought that you showed potential for our line of work, and you might be wondering what this is.” I began. “Well, you guys will possibly be the main line of defense against a creature that has been a problem for hundreds of years.”

Sapnap POV.

“Apparently there is a vampire around here somewhere…” Dream stated with no trace of emotion in his voice. “There have been police reports of half a dozen people dead with all blood missing in the past week.”

“I know. I know.” I responded, “you explained this to me at least 10 times already.”
“Sorry,” my best friend mumbled, “it just makes it easier for me to remember these things.”
“You sound like you’re 50.” I chuckled. “Does Clay need to repeat everything so he doesn’t forget it from his dementia.” I teased.

“Hey. Remember while I am on the job it’s Dream, not Clay. you don’t see me calling you anything other than Sapnap. Right Nick?”
I ignored him with an eye roll as I took another sip of my hot drink. Our eyes scanned everyone in the area for any sign of the suspected vampire.

Quackity POV.

“Vampires have been a problem for thousands of years, and they have been in America for the past 400 years. They came around the same time that the British did.” I explained. “And, they need blood to survive. Without it they can only live for about 6 months, but if they drink a lot they could live hundreds, if not thousands of years.”

All of the kids looked bored, and if I could then I would most definitely have fed them to vampires. Maybe that will make Dream think twice before putting me in charge of them. I sighed before continuing.

“A lot of you probably assume vampires can do things such as shapeshifting, and they can only come out at night, and are weak against things such as garlic. None of that is true though.” I watched everyone sit up a little straighter and smirked.

Sapnap POV.

“There. That could be the vampire.” I said, pointing at a woman leading a man out of a bar and into the alleyway beside it, while keeping eye contact.
Dream nodded in agreement, he opened the door and climbed out of the car while I did the same.

We followed the woman and the man into the alley. The pair were still ahead of me and the blond, and turned the corner. We waited for a few moments in case they were actually a drunken couple making out.

When a scream rang out which was immediately silenced we pulled out our silver weapons and spun around to see the woman with blood dripping out of her mouth. A pair of long fangs were visible in her mouth and she glared at us before leaving the man and starting to run.

The man had fallen onto the ground and blood was dripping out of his wound. I spun around briefly and saw some people who heard the scream starting to make their way down the alleyway. “Call this man an ambulance!” I yelled out before Dream and I began running after the vampire.

Quackity POV.

“They are notorious for their beauty, and they are very manipulative. A lot of people are unable to resist vampires. And if they make eye contact with you it is even harder to resist them.” Why can’t a vampire come and use their manipulative skills to get Dream to let me out of here?

“As you might know when they drink blood they typically bite the side of the neck, which is as you’d assume, true. If they bite the back of your neck, around your spinal cord then you will turn into a vampire. It is the main reason why you have to cover your neck. That or Dream wanted to hide the hickeys from his boyfriend.”

The group of teens laughed at that. “A newly turned vampire usually is forced to obey whoever turned him or her.” I continued, “so some vampires turn a lot of people just so that they have an army at their disposal. However they can only control vampires for about a year before they disappear and become independent.”

“Typically though, not many vampires turn others nowadays. They prefer to drink their blood.” I explained. “Once vampires turn humans into one of them there is no way to turn them back.”
A couple nervous glances were shot around at each other. Probably thinking that they could turn and have someone here kill them or something.

“Aside from the obvious fact of them drinking blood you can tell who is a vampire. Number 1, they are weak against silver. It can kill them if they are hurt by a weapon made of it and they can not break out of restraints made of it. Number 2, they are naturally beautiful, which helps their manipulative side.”

“Third and final are their fangs. Vampires have a lot of nerves in their fangs and they’ll react if anything touches it. They can hide their fangs to humans but they are still sharp enough to draw blood just by touching them, however you can only feel around in their mouth for fangs if you have a genuine suspicion, since we don’t want a bunch of cops after us for harassing civilians.”

Sapnap POV.

“I’ll go get the car and cut her off,” Dream stated. I nodded a yes, but the blond had already disappeared to get the car.
Without even sending him a glance I followed after the female vampire.

For a few minutes I slowly managed to close the distance between her and myself. Eventually I managed to corner her when Dream pulled the car to a stop in the entrance to the alley. She spun around and faced me again.

The anger in her face immediately disappeared when she gave me a look and lowered her voice. “Please let me go, I haven’t done anything.” she said in a meek voice.
All vampires could do this, a small innocent voice that could make people do almost anything for them.

I had been trained to resist their voices, their manipulative ways and looks and actions. Before she could react I grabbed her and pulled out handcuffs made of silver and tightened them around her wrists. The vampire let out a growl of frustration and tried to rip the cuffs off, unsuccessfully.

Another caught vampire.
1244 words

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