Chapter 11: dinner

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Karl POV.

Why did my life come to this? What did I do to deserve this? I wondered as I slumped against the desk of my new room. One day I lived a peaceful life working in a library and going vegan to keep my vampire self under control. The next, I was locked in a basement by vampire hunters.

At least I was only going to be here for a month or so, since I’d be dead from not drinking enough blood by then. But this place isn’t that bad, nice bed, some books to read, and a good view. The worst thing is the 2 vampire hunters who took me and now are trying to treat me as though nothing had happened.

I’d been sitting here for an hour just thinking about everything that had gone wrong with my life but was pulled from my thoughts by a knock on the door. With a wary look I turned around to look at the door. It was most likely the pair of vampire hunters and I definitely wasn’t in the mood to talk to them.

So I just sat there watching the door for a few minutes, feeling unsure of what to do. Eventually I stood up and decided I should check if they were still there. When I opened the door no one was standing there, but there was a tray covered in a cloth sitting on the carpeted floor.

I glanced around to see if there was anyone nearby, but I couldn’t see either of the men. Cautiously, I grabbed the tray and carried it into the room, before nudging the door shut by bumping it with the back of my foot.

The tray got placed on the desk and I pulled the cloth off and it revealed a platter of food. Some fruit, a salad, a sandwich, some vegan chocolate, and a bottle of water. I thought they said I was only allowed to have blood. There was also a note that I grabbed and read.

Hi Karl.

We got you some vegan food since we know you probably won’t want to be drinking blood. There is a camera in your room but it won’t be showing camera feed to the Citadel until sometime tomorrow.
We figured you might want to eat alone tonight and for breakfast, but tomorrow you’ll have to start eating out of your room with us.

Sorry for everything that has happened.
- Nick and Alex.

Their names were Nick and Alex? Those were nice names I guess but why were they telling me this? For now I didn’t care. Instead I grabbed a fork and began eating the salad greedily from the bowl it was in. This was my first meal for days and it tasted better than anything I have ever had.

Quickly I ate the salad and the sandwich, then slowed down as I began to eat the apple while grabbing one of the few books off of the bookshelf and beginning to read it. I had noticed they had filled the bookshelf up with books from the library where I worked, including the demon book I had been reading the day I met them, and it made me feel grateful.

Wait, why am I grateful? They did kidnap me and are keeping me, saying I apparently will be allowed to go at some point in the future. I decided to ignore that for now, focusing on the piece of fruit in one hand, and the book in the other.

When I finished the apple I placed what was left of the core on the tray, sitting it in the bowl that the salad had been in. I took the block of chocolate, the bottle of water, and the note from Nick and Alex, on the desk before taking the tray out to the kitchen.

I walked out awkwardly into the hallway and made my way into the kitchen. I could see both of the vampire hunters, Alex and Nick, sitting on the couch and watching TV. I planned to just put the tray down and return to my room before they knew I was there but that didn’t happen.

“Hi Karl,” the ravenette said. “How was your dinner?”
“It was nice,” I responded quietly, “thanks… uh-...”
“Nick,” he stated. “I’m Nick. That’s Alex.” Alex nodded as Nick introduced him, “and you are welcome for the food. We’d hoped you’d like it.”

I gave a nod, signalling that I did. “It was nice, thank you. A lot of that stuff is quite expensive so I can’t generally get it.”
Both men smiled. “Would you like to watch a movie with us?” Alex asked, and I turned to glance at the movie that was playing. “You can choose a different one if you want.”

After thinking for a moment I shook my head, I’d rather not spend the evening bonding over movies or board games with my kidnappers.
“Well we also have some vegan ice cream if you want that instead.” Alex offered.
“Maybe later,” I responded politely before walking off down the hall again.

When I got back to my room I shut the door and sat on the bed in thought. They were trying to be nice, maybe I should be nicer back. Agree to hang out with them, try and learn more about them, who knows?

For a few hours I just sat there on the bed, reading some more of the books that were on the shelves and eating the chocolate. Eventually I stood up and decided to have a shower and change into some new clothes.

I walked over to the closet and looked at what there was. They’d brought a lot of stuff for me, shirts, jeans, shorts, hoodies, socks, shoes, underwear, and some more, and it all seemed like it would fit me.

Once again I smiled, thinking that they cared enough to spend all this money on vegan food for me, and a bedroom, and some clothes. But once again I had to remind myself they didn’t. I walked into the bathroom and placed the new clothes on the sink before locking the door and climbing into the shower.

In here they’d also brought stuff; shampoo, conditioner and soap, along with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and some other stuff sitting on a shelf by the sink. For about 10 minutes I showered, changed, did my teeth, and everything else I needed to do before climbing into the bed.

I was wearing a warm purple hoodie and some shorts, curling up under the blankets and sitting in the darkness. For a while I sat thinking. Although they had kidnapped me, I didn’t think they were that bad. Maybe I will try and hang out with them more and be nicer to them tomorrow.

I've read about stockholm syndrome in a lot of stories but I didn't think it would affect me, especially this fast. I won't let that happen though.
1165 words.

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