Chapter 18: The meeting

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Karl POV.

The pair left the room to go to the meeting, leaving me alone with Dream. I watched as the pair walked out of the door and then turned to look at the blond who smiled at me. "I know that this seems unfair, but they aren't as bad as they might seem." He stated.

I gave a nod. "They aren't that bad. They give me space and are kind to me." I smiled as I remembered them giving me things like all of that nice food, and they were nice enough to buy a bunch of vegan things too.
Dream smiled, "that's good. If they aren't then I can give them more paperwork if you want."

I started to laugh, and he joined in a moment later as a loud wheeze. When we quietened down I looked up at him. “So how do you know Nick?” I asked him. “You are clearly friends.”
The blond gave me a questioning look. “Well we’ve worked together for years. We were training together. I was his first partner.”

“Really?” I questioned, adjusting myself on the couch. The pair hadn’t told me too much about what their lives were like, and I hadn’t talked about what my life was like either. Seems like all 3 of us were strangers to each other, with a bunch of secrets, but maybe that was good. “What happened?”

The blond chuckled before explaining. “Well around 20 initiates go through training at a time. However only around 8 or 9 people actually become vampire hunters after it and both Nick and I were. The 2 of us were assigned to each other as partners after 6 months of training and got assigned a small house in quite a poor suburb.”

“We lived in a small apartment building, but while the outside was shabby the interior was quite nice, and actually it was 2 apartments which had been connected together by the Citadel especially for their use.”

“About 4 months after training finished, we found an extremely dangerous vampire and took him down. It was a big catch for the Citadel and we were both offered a promotion. I took it, but Nick wanted to stay in the field. He needed a new partner and Alex was an odd number from the new initiates. They both needed partners so they were assigned to each other.”

I listened to his story and then smiled. “Being a vampire hunter sounds easy.” I stated.
Once again Dream laughed. “It isn’t. A lot of people don’t make it through training, and training involves a lot of late nights, combat practice, and lessons on vampires.”
“That doesn’t sound too hard. I am a quick learner and fighting couldn’t be too hard.”

The blond continued to talk and I continued to listen, but sometimes I talked and he listened. He was quite nice, and funny. The pair of us got on well but eventually we fell into silence when he admitted he probably should be doing some paperwork.

Sapnap POV.

We ran through the hallways and got to the nearest elevator, quickly stepping inside before it began heading up to the top floor where the council were. “Couldn’t Dream have yelled at us later and let us come up here first. He knows how busy the council is.” Alex stated.

I just shrugged as I leaned against the wall, watching as we went up through the floors. The second the elevator stopped and the doors began to open we slid between the gap and ran over to the councillors boardroom.

As we have always been told to do, we knocked on the door first and waited for one of them to let us in. We heard the group talking behind the door before one of them called for us to come into the room.

The 8 council members were sitting in the same seats they had been sitting in when I came here a few days ago. I had been asking them to let us keep Karl instead of having him sent to the Vault, the place under the Citadel where they keep all the vampires they caught.
Both of us stood in the middle of the room and looked up at the group of council members.

Schlatt, the head of the group. Puffy and Minx, the lead vampire hunters. Foolish, the head of weapons and tracking technology. Punz, the head of COMVIP/police relations. Philza, head of relations between vampire hunters in the US and vampire hunters in the UK. Eret, the representative from the government. And Techno, head of training.

The 8 of them watched us quietly and seemed to be waiting for us to say something, but neither of us did. Eventually Philza spoke up. “You both are quite late. 26 and a half minutes, a new record for you.”

“Sorry sirs and ma’ams.” I stated. “There was an issue with traffic on the way here, we had other stuff that we needed to do. It won’t happen again.”
“It better not.” Schlatt stated. “Anyway, we called you here because we wanted to discuss Herobrine. The 2 of you were meant to be researching him. What have you figured out?”

Alex answered. “Well sir. The pair of us have been researching for the past few days. It seems that Herobrine came here from somewhere in Europe around 400 years ago before disappearing completely. Nobody working for the Citadel has even known he existed until that female vampire mentioned him.”

“Anyway, we are trying to figure out how we can locate him and capture him.” I finished off for my partner who just nodded in agreement.
“Do you think you 2 could put together a team to focus on trying to find and catch him?” Foolish asked. “If he is as dangerous as he seems we will want to make this top priority.”

I nodded. “We have a rough idea of some people who could work with us. Quackity and myself, along with Dream as the main hunters, and George could handle the science aspect.”
“This might be a bit big for just you 4.” Philza stated, holding his chin in thought. “If he came from Europe there might be some information on him there.”

All of the council members looked over to him. “Since all of this stuff is on high alert we won’t want to risk sending it over email. So, I will have a British agent working at Europe’s Citadel fly over here. He could be of some assistance.”

“Who?” Minx asked, looking over at him.
“An agent that I knew since he started training. Goes by the code name Soot. I have worked with him on several occasions and he works efficiently, all of his tasks have been a success. He is the best man for the job.”

The other council members all seemed to unanimously agree with Philza, and then they all turned their attention back to us. They began asking Alex and I some more questions. ‘What equipment will you need?’ was the main one, and Foolish wrote down a list of all the gear we requested.

After a few minutes of them not asking us any questions and just talking among themselves they finally let us leave, which we eagerly did.
1217 words.

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