Chapter 7: quality time

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Y/N pov

we arrived to the hotel where I am staying, and it's 12:30 in the afternoon, I slept on our trip for like 25 minutes because I'm a bit tired when Sandro tap my shoulder and told me that we already arrived.

"y/n how long are you going to stay here?" then he opened the van door.

"i think 1 week? then if my rounds on the hospital turned out good, I'll be coming home in the manila to get all my stuffs and decided to live here" I replied.

We went outside the van and the two of his bodyguards carry my bags, sandro even accompany me to go inside the hotel, he's such a gentleman.

After I got my keys and card, Sandro already left and I went straight up on my room.

The hotel where I'm staying is huge, it's like a five star hotel and Sandro even told me that a lot of celebrity stays here when they are having a vacation, because not gonna lie it is so pretty and the beach is just a walking distance.

I quickly changed my clothes and rest for awhile since my rounds on the hospital will be at 2pm, thanks to Sandro I will not going to be late.

After I took a half bath, I lay in my bed when there's a *ting* sound coming from my phone.

"it's so great talking to you, I had so much fun, I hope your rounds in the hospital later will be a blast" *with smiley face* It is from Sandro.

Hmm I'm not used to this, I think I just got a new guy friend because in my whole life Chase is the only guy friend I have, and when I am studying in UK all my friends are girls.

"thank you so much, you've been a big help today, now I owe you something" I replied

Not gonna lie guys, Sandro is a good looking man even though he's short, you can clearly tell he came from a decent family and he looks like a responsible person, no wonder that he won as a congressman.

"you can treat me to dinner hahaha" he replied with a smiley emoji.

As I red the text, I can't stop smiling and thinking our short time on the van earlier, he's such an easy going guy, you'll get along anytime when talking to him.

"Oh my god y/n! why are you being like this, don't tell me you have a crush on that stranger you just met" I said on my mind and facepalmed me.

"no no no no no!!!! we're here for work not to get a boyfriend ok? besides you already accepted it that you're going to be single forever" you said trying to prevent on thinking of sandro.

Sandro pov

I just arrived on our house and y/n is not still replying to my message, hmm maybe she's tired let her sleep Sandro ok?

I went to my room and changed because later I will be going for a conference. As I lay on my bed and get my laptop, I quickly searched "y/n l/n surgeon" when i saw her biography my eyes got widen coz wow for real though God gave me a chance to talked to this kind of girl. She's just not a surgeon she's a cardiothoracic surgeon which it makes me adore her, she's even the only filipino who got on top in such a best medical school in UK, no wonder there so many hospitals here that wants her to work for them. I also check her instagram and she looks like a normal girl who came from a rich family, as I scroll to her instagram I noticed there's a picture of her with a guy but it posted a long time ago, maybe this is her ex, she looks so young here hahaha but why is she not deleting it yet? While thinking why she haven't deleted the picture of her ex, I accidentally like it, what the heck Sandro?! seriously?!!!! fuck!!!! I got panicked so I press the like so many times gosh what are you doing, are you out of your mind?!!!!

never mind maybe she won't check it, she seems like a very busy person and got no time checking her social media accounts. ok Sandro think positive that's nothing ok? I took a deep breathe and got up on my bed because I didn't notice the time that I've been laying in my bed for like 30mins and I am clearly sure that I'm late.

Y/N pov

I woke up and it's 1:30 in the afternoon gosh I'm late, mag-aayos pa ako. I got up on my bed and go to the bathroom.

Ohhh thank God I finished so quickly, I'm nearly on my way to the hospital and to be honest I'm quite nervous hahaha casual y/n always being nervous ghad.

I'm already here and wow maybe Sandro's right that I'm going to like here. I went inside as I see all of the doctors and some nurses in the Hospital are already waiting for me, they even gave me a bouquet so thoughtful hahaha.

(fat forward y/n's round became great)

I'm on my way to the hotel but I think I need some fresh air so I told to the grab driver to go to the beach.

After a few minutes of driving I'm already here, I sighed and sit on the sand and just feel the waves and the fresh air, I really miss this kind of feeling stress-free.

As I'm feeling the fresh air of the beach I decided to check my phone if there's some emails or messages from my parents, but something caught my attention, there's a notification for me on the Instagram and I saw Sandro's name, I got shocked as I saw what is the picture that he just liked, and guess what it's my picture of me and my ex, I'm not pissed because that was the long time ago and I decided to delete it, ganon na ba ko ka-busy para hindi mai-delete itong picture na 'to? I chuckled as I thought that Sandro is visiting my profile and he even got to saw my old pictures.

I got bored and decided to go back to my hotel when there's a a notification from my phone, maybe it's my mom and turned out it's the mr. Sandro.

Sandro: how's the rounds doc?
Y/N: it's great and you know what I liked the hospital.
Sandro: glad to know that
Sandro: btw, do you have some plans today or are you busy?
Y/N: Actually I'm just going back to the hotel, why'd you asked?
Sandro: uhm, let's go to have some dinner if you're alright with that?

I smiled when I red that text, enebe y/n huwag kang kikiligin dyan you need to be act so professional you're a doctor and think that this dinner is like a business dinner ok?

Y/N: sure!! I just going to get changed.
Sandro: Ok, doc I'll pick you up at 7pm see ya :)

It's already 7pm and I went down to wait for sandro, and saw him he's leaning on his car waiting for me, uhm I can't stop smiling and blushed because this is the first time a guy ask me to dinner and even pick me up to my place goshhhhh I'm kinikilig deep inside but stop it erase erase y/n act normal!!!!

He open the door for me, ano ba hindi ako ready sa ganito ah? hahahaha. I went inside and he went to the driver seat, he looked at me while smiling and said "where do you wanna go doc?"

I got shocked and stuttered "u-uh-uhm i do-don't know coz it's been a long time since I go here"

Sandro: oh i'm sorry doc *he chuckled* let's go to this restaurant and I'm sure you'll like it.

Sandro pov

I'm quite nervous since there's a beautiful doctor sitting on my car and will be having a dinner with me, what a night Sandro. I lost my focus on the road when I remember what I just did earlier, shit I hope she don't know about that, I hope she didn't check her instagram. I took a deep breathe when I felt that y/n is looking at me.

Y/N: oh btw, I saw you follow me on Instagram and even like one of my old photos of me *she chuckled*
Sandro: u-uhm y-y-yeah and sorry about that hahaha
Y/N: no it's ok and besides I deleted it already, in fact I wanted to thank you for liking that post because I barely check my social media accounts and do not have a time to delete some old pictures of me.

I smiled shyly and can't stop to blushed, she's so cool ugh!!!!


sorry for the typos hehehe and thank you for reading my story.

wait for the next update xoxoxo

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