Chapter 34: "everything means nothing if I ain't got you"

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y/n's pov

I'm done washing the dishes and Sandro can't wait to go back home.

We're on the car and he's holding my hand while driving smiling.

Sandro: thank you so much my love, *kissed my hand* I will never make you feel that you're not special to me.
y/n: thank you too love, and I'm sorry
Sandro: aww I missed you calling me love, sorry for what? I was supposed to say that not you, coz I'm the one who made this mess.
y/n: no love, you're not the only one has a fault here, I make you feel that you're a stranger to me and not a wife you're expecting, so you're not the only one that has shortcomings, I am too.
Sandro: that's ok love, forget about that already, what matters now is that we're here fighting for each other. *smiled to me and I smiled back*

We're here at the house and went to Chloe's room, as we enter to the room, Sandro wrapped his arm on my shoulder tightly.

Sandro: are you sure about this love?
y/n: yes love, I completely made sure to myself earlier so no need to worry hmm?

Sandro took the first box and put it downstairs and the second box follows. As I closed the door and turn off the lights, I smiled and said "goodbye now our princess" then went downstairs.

We're going to donate the clothes and toys of her instead of throwing it. So our money that we spent to those things will not be a waste.

*at the car and done donating

Sandro: you had fun love?
y/n: super love *chuckled*
Sandro: let's go to the beach?
y/n: sure!!!

We just went back first to the house and get some clothes, because we're going to spend our night there. We're going to San Juan, La Union where they called the place Flotsam and Jetsam, the place is kinda familiar I think that's one of the famous place on La Union.

It's already 7pm and we just arrived, this place is unspoiled, the stores at the side makes it more beautiful and also the lights.

Me and Sandro are just sitting on the sand but there's a chair pillows naman para we're not directly sitting sa buhangin.

Sandro: you want something to eat? ang dami dito love oh, pili ka na
y/n: uhmmm??? I want that oh *points the churros store* and cucumber drink please? *puppy eyes*
Sandro: *laughed* why are you acting like that?
y/n: ano???
Sandro: you're doing the puppy eyes hahaha
y/n: hala hindi kaya hmp!
Sandro: it's cute tho, *chuckled* I missed that and I missed this, parang this is the times when we're still a couple.
y/n: you're right, I missed going out too ok nevermind, can you please stand up na then go there and order na?
Sandro: ok ok I'll stan-

He was about to stand up when there's a group of girls shouting and blushing went to us. They are look like on their 20s.

Girl 1: Sandro let's take a picture naman, crush na crush kita talaga noon pa *with pabebe voice*
Girl 2: uy next ako ah?
Girl 3: ako next after mo.

I stand up and crossed my arms.

y/n: uhm hi girls, which Sandro are you talking about? *faking a smile*
Girl 3: etong Sandro na 'to, is there one more Sandro here?
y/n: ow I'm sorry, akala ko kasi you're talking about to the teenage Sandro hahaha
Girl 2: what? pinagsasabi mo?
y/n: uh oh my god *put my hand on my chest and scoff* you sounds rude ah
Girl 2: no I'm not, so please may we borrow Sandro for a sec? Tapos na sana kami kung di ka nakikisali.
y/n: aba sinusubukan mo talag-

Sandro stood up and stopped me for approaching the girl.

y/n: just take a picture with them so they can leave already *saying to Sandro quietly so the three girls won't be offended*
Sandro: ok love *he whispers and forcing himself not to laugh*

All the girls exclaimed when Sandro agreed, ang aarte naman ng mga 'to di naman magaganda puro pagpapa-sexy lang hmp, hayaan mo na nga y/n hanggang crush lang naman eh, the man they're having a crush on is already married.

The three girls already left and saw one of them rolled eyes on me but I just faked a smile to her and show her my finger with the ring on it and point to Sandro who's walking towards the churros store, she got shocked while getting too far and I put my tongue out HAHAHAH thank God wala na si Sandro so I can do that. Deserve!!!

Sandro: here love, your churros and cucumber juice
y/n: uhm what's yours? hindi ka ba nagugutom?
Sandro: no I'm not
y/n: hmmm? here say ahhhh hahaha
Sandro: ayaw *nilayo yung face niya to the churros I'm giving*
y/n: tsk, come one eat this na ang sarap kaya nito
Sandro: ok fine hahaha *I put the churros on his mouth*
Sandro: hmmm sarap nga *talking while there's a food on his mouth*

I just laughed as he chews the food, he looks like a kid na parang ngayon lang nakakain ng churros.

y/n: I love you
Sandro: hmmm hw-what? *chuckled*
y/n: I said I love you

He sat beside me and kissed me suddenly.

Sandro: I love you more.

We're just staring and smiling to each other when the song played "if I ain't got you by Alicia Keys" grabe feeling ko nasa MV kaming dalawa ang ganda pa ng background music then we're here pa sa magandang place na 'to while the waves makes this place more picture-postcard.

"some people want diamond rings, some just want everything " Sandro sang

"but everything means nothing if I ain't got you" we synchronized and laughed.

As I looked around all the people here are vibing to the song, sobrang bagay kasi dito sa lugar lalo na if you're with your love of your life, parang dati lang I'm just imagining this kind of situation but now, it's really happening and the most amazing part of it, is kasama ko pa ang the one and only Sandro Marcos.


hi guys, gusto ko kasing isingit yung kanta na yan kasi it's one of my fave songs HAHAHA I hope you liked this chapter.

kindly wait for another update xoxox

sorry for the typos hehehe

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