Chapter 39: Nadia

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Sandro's pov

The party's doing well, some of the visitors already left, the three of us are just here with our families. 

y/n: Si, thank you so much to your gift, Alsander's already has a best friend hahaha
Vinny: grabe, dinaig nga gift ko eh
Simon: hahahah buti alam mo, coz my gift will last long unlike yours
Sandro: that's enough, your gifts are great, Alsander will appreciate it when he grow up.
y/n: Sandro's right guys, so stop fighting.

These two are like kids, they never changed. 

y/n's mom: it so nice seeing the two of you having a kid again *teary eyes*

Y/n walked towards to her mom to hugged her.

y/n: mom don't make this fun day be dramatic.
y/n's mom: it's true anak, I'm just so happy for the both of you, and I'm sure Sander's gonna grow up just like the two of you, intelligent, respectful, put others first, I-i-I'm just so proud of you anak. *hugged y/n again*
Sandro: thank you so much ma, and I promise I will take good care to your grandson and to your daughter, I will give them the most comfortable living coz that's what they deserve.
BBM: wowww! *clap* look hon, nakapag-palaki tayo ng isang responsible na father.
Simon and Vinny: e-ehem

We all looked to them and laughed.

Mom: hay nako, syempre you're going to be like your kuya din, eh wala pa naman kasi kayong anak, the first thing you'll do for now is to take care of your wife Vinny? ha? and Si, when will you get married nga pala?

Simon shook his head and we teased him, we just hope Simon will not be forever single, pero para naman kasing wala siyang pakialam sa pag-aasawa, puro gala lang sa iba't ibang bansa.

Simon: mom, please not today, still finding the right girl alam mo naman diba?
Mom: ahhh, sorry about that guys, eto kasing si Simon iba standards sa babae hahaha
Vinny: hmmm yes, that's why kung saan saan na siyang bansa napunta pero hanggang ngayon wala pa din hahahaha.
y/n: but I'm sure naman Simon's gonna meet the perfect girl for him, dadating din yon diba? like you Vinny, your perfect girl already arrived, syempre ganon din si Si, let's just wait diba Si?
Simon: yes y/n, oh diba buti pa si y/n she understands me. nagmamadali kasi kayong lahat eh.
Sandro: of course, that's my wife, one of the reason why I married her is because she understands me a lot. 

Alsander cried....

Y/n went inside to change Alsander's diaper, I was supposed to come with her but she said it will not good to look at if we left our family, so I stayed with them.

y/n's mom: Sandro, this is an honest suggestion ah
Sandro: ano po yon?
y/n's mom: kailangan niyo nang sundan si Alsander
Mom: ow yeah hahaha that's a great idea
Sandro: mom, ma? Alsander just turned one and diba y/n's condition is sensitive when it comes on having a child?
y/n's mom: I'm serious Sandro, I'm a pedia so habang maaga pa magka-anak na ulit kayo, do you want to have an only child? I'm sure y/n doesn't like that, because having a siblings is fun.
BBM: and besides, you're there for her to take a lot of care naman eh, so don't be scared on having a baby again.

*2 years later

Y/n's pov


y/n: wait wait wait! oh my god!

I went upstairs to check what is happening, when I opened the door I saw Jordan Alsander's dog, the one that his uncle Simon gave to him, I saw Jordan wearing Sandro's glasses, I faceplamed because I thought something happened to him.

I sat beside him and he laughed so loud.

y/n: don't do that again ha? you're making me nervous, I'll tell this to your daddy.
Alsander: I'm sowwy *looked down*
y/n: *hugged him*hey hey hey, it's okay mommy's just kidding, just play here with Jordan ok? I'll just go downstairs if you need something, call me or call yaya rosie.

I went downstairs and grab a bottle of milk--

"shhh shhh shhh here you go Nads, mommy's here shhh don't cry na" I put the milk on her mouth.

yes guys, Me and Sandro already has a 1 year old beautiful daughter, her name's Nadia Alexandrine Marcos, Sandro told me to named her second name from Chloe's, so she will still be remembered. 

"mommy mommy mommy" I turned around and saw Alsander holding his dad's hand, they are both resembles each other so much, it feels like I'm seeing two Sandros right now. 

I sighed and they sat beside me.

y/n: love, did you know Alsander just-
Alsander: mommy?
y/n: *i put my hand to his head and laughed* hahahah ok ok, I won't tell to your daddy.
Sandro: ow you two are keeping secrets to me ah

Alsander laughed with his tiny and cute voice, Sandro stand up and went to Nadia's rocker. He glared to me and said "just wait when Nadia grow up, then we will keep secrets to the both of you, we will have a small tea parties everyday and you two are not invited"

I can't stop from laughing kasi ang cute tignan, Alsander stood up to hugged his dad but Sandro refused ahahahahaha nakuha pa talaga magtampo sa anak niya ah.

Alsander: let's invite Jordan dad to your tea party instead of mommy hihihi

Sandro looked at me and smirked, I glared at him but he just laughed at me.

Sandro: sure! that will be fun coz you know what? your mom is such a kj, did you know what that means? A kill joy coz she just became a serious person and I don't think so that she'll like the tea parties we will be having everyday hahaha
y/n: hey I'm not! Ikaw talaga kung ano ano sinasabi mo dito, hey Alsander don't listen to your father he's just joking around.
Alsander: hihihi! I know that mommy.

Nadia cried and the two of them exclaimed because of the loud cry.

y/n: ayan ang ingay ingay kasi eh, lalo na yung isa dyan *I looked at Sandro and he gave me a "what" look*

I carried Nadia to stopped her from crying, Sandro stand up and kissed our foreheads.

Sandro: it's so nice building a family with you love, looking at the two of them relieve my stress and seeing you taking good care to the both of them, makes me admire you more, it's really not a bad decision that I marry you, I love you so much love.
Y/n: hmmm *smiled at him* love you too my love.

Sandro and Alsander just went to backyard with Jordan to play catch.

This is not the future I am expecting to myself, coz I already made a promise when I was 28 that I will not be longer to find a man that will spent his forever with me, but I was wrong, Sandro came in my life and gave me what I truly deserves, he also gave me this two beautiful little creatures. 

I will be forever grateful to him for not giving up on me and chose to stay even though there's so many challenges that came to our lives.


Kindly wait for another update xoxoxo

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