Chapter 2

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Jisoo was getting ready for their company's 10th annual party celebration. She was nervous, especially when her hands were quite trembling as she puts on a light make up. Of course she didn't want to look like a corpse attending a party. She was worried that guests might run away if she didn't fix herself. So as much as she hated parties and hated going out, she still had no choice.

She wore the dress her mom had bought her yesterday, it was a formal sleeveless black dress that ends above her knee. She also put on a pair of earrings with small initials of letter 'J'. She had also wore some black shiny sandals with heels. She opened her drawer and there was the necklace that her grandmother gave her. Her grandma was the only person who was there by her side ever since but sadly she passed away last summer.

Jisoo composed her self, trying her best not to cry as she had already put on a makeup. She slowly brought the necklace to her neck and wore it as she pushed her natural black hair letting it flow on her back. She was looking absolutely gorgeous but her own family made her feel insecure about her own looks. Truth be told, Jisoo was never ugly, but because of how her relatives treated her made her feel that she was.

Jisoo's parents had already arrived at the party venue because they were hosting the guests. The company's investors, board members, employees, staffs, and everyone who worked in their company, particularly from different branches, were all there during the 10th annual party.

Jisoo walked out of their residence and into a cab after finishing everything. She didn't bother bringing a bag because she wasn't planning on staying for very long. She would simply announce her presence and then depart as quickly as possible. She despised socializing and felt uneasy whenever she spoke to others. It's not that she can't speak with them, it simply just makes her nervous and makes her want to fly away if possible.

Jisoo thanked the driver and handed him the payment before exiting the vehicle when the cab arrived at the destination. Before entering the venue, she took a big breath. Everyone's gaze was drawn to her as soon as she opened the door. Countless stares and gazes were directed at her which made her nervous.

Shoot. I should've taken the back door. She cursed to herself.

Jisoo gulped in nervousness as she walks through the sea of people trying to find her parents. As soon as she found them, she quickly made her way towards them.

"Mrs. Kim, meet my daughter, Kim Jisoo," her father said. "Jisoo, this is Mrs. Kim."

Mrs. Kim smiled as she said, "Finally, I'm able to meet you in person, such a lovely young lady. I've been looking forward to meeting you, Jisoo."

"Thank you," Jisoo mumbled. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Kim"

The said woman chuckled, "Don't get so tensed, I don't bite." She didn't know why but suddenly she felt comfortable around Mrs. Kim than she is with others.

"Anyways, where is Jennie?" Jisoo's mom asked.

"She's probably at the kitchen talking with her friends. You know, teenagers," Mrs. Kim said.

"Jisoo, why don't you go find Jennie?"

"I'm fine," Jisoo blurted, before her eyes widened. That certainly just slipped out of her tongue. She saw her parents giving her a warning look.

"Ah.. I-I mean o-okay. I'll g-go."

Mrs. Kim chuckled once again, "She's too cute, I like her already."

Jisoo bowed to Mrs. Kim before walking away from the gathering; she despised herself for being too vulnerable at times, and the fact that she finds it difficult to engage with people just added to her misery. Jisoo's hands were trembling, so she clasped them together and proceeded into the kitchen, only to see a cat-eyed girl talking with some guests whom Jisoo assumed was the girl's friends.

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