Chapter 7

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"A farm? Why are we in a farm?" Jisoo asked. The scenery in front of them was very beautiful and fresh looking, there were crops, plants and animals everywhere. It looked very peaceful but Jisoo wondered why Hanbin had brought her here.

"This is actually my grandfather's farm, he handed it to me before he passed away," Hanbin responded.

"Oh, I-Im sorry to hear that," Jisoo said.

"No worries, it's been seven years. But anyways, you know why I brought you here? It's because when there's a farm, there's a....?" Hanbin said waiting for Jisoo to finish his sentence.

"There's a crop?"

"No, there's a chicken!" Hanbin exclaimed happily.

"A chicken?" Jisoo repeated as she chuckles.

"Yeah, I love chickens!"

"So, you love animals?" Jisoo asked.

"Hmm not exactly, I only love chickens when they're crisply fried," Hanbin answered which made Jisoo laugh. Just like that, Hanbin felt butterflies in his stomach. Jisoo's laugh was like music to his ears.

"I-I love chicken too, I guess we have that in common," Jisoo chuckled.

"Alive chicken or fried chicken?" Hanbin asked.

"Fried chicken," Jisoo said causing both of them to laugh.

"Let's go, I'll show you my grandfather's house," Hanbin led the way to an old wooden house which looked like it was built back in the 80's.

Hanbin unlocked the front door as Jisoo followed him inside. There was a small living room, a small kitchen and two bedrooms. There was a small wooden balcony on the right side of the house, and there was a table with picture frames on it. Jisoo saw a picture of a little girl and a little boy embracing in front of the crops.

Hanbin noticed Jisoo looking at the picture frame so he walked towards the girl, "Oh that's me and Jen when we were young. My grandmother took that picture, it's probably my most favorite picture taken."

"Really? Is she here?" Jisoo asked.

"Ah no, she's with my Mom in the states," Hanbin said.

"Oh, why didn't you go with them?"

"It's just that... I like it here more. I've been in the states before and I didn't like it, I felt homesick. Also, I would probably miss Jennie so much. She's like my bestfriend."

"Yeah, you guys do seem so close," Jisoo said.

"Yeah. Oh and by the way, this was Jennie when I pushed her to the mud," Hanbin laughed as she handed Jisoo an old picture frame of a girl all covered in mud, pouting. It was definitely Jennie. Just by the eyes, Jisoo could already tell it was her. Not a matter of time, a smile formed on her lips.

Jisoo faced Hanbin who was also smiling at the picture, "Do you have any siblings?"

"Nope, just me. Maybe that's why Jennie and I bond like real siblings because we don't have one, so we treat each other like siblings," Hanbin said.

"That's really cute."

Hanbin chuckled, "Anyways, let's go. I'll show you the chickens at the back."

Jisoo nodded as she follows Hanbin. They reached the back of the house and there was a cutely design chicken coop. It looked like a mini wooden house for chickens which some were clucking and scratching in the dirt.

"Oh look at this one," Hanbin said as he takes a hen and placed it on his arms, "You know, I don't like favoritism but this is probably my favourite chicken. I just keep her healthy in her tiny little house and I don't plan on frying her because she's too cute."

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