Reverie can't use smartphone

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Reverie is online

Reverie: whatthehellisthat

Blond Simp is online

Purple Wrestler is online

Blond Simp: Hey Reverie!

Reverie: Whoareyouandhowthehelliusethat

Blond Simp: ...what?

Purple Wrestler: She is saying "Who are you and how the hell I use that?" Which means that she doesn't know how to use that smartphone. And Purple Wrestler is me, Joey, and Blond Simp is my idiotic brother.

Blond Simp: Hey 😢

Reverie: okstillwhatsimpmeans

Purple Wrestler: It is basically how my brother is around you

Reverie: fitting

Blond Simp: Hey! And we should help her how correctly smartphone should be used.

Purple Wrestler: ...I guess, only because it would be too annoying seeing that

Reverie: Icanstillreadandwouldthoughtthatitwillbefunnytoyou

Purple Wrestler: It would be funny for some time, later it would be just annoying and sad

Purple Wrestler: Ok, me and Riggy will come meet you. Where are you?

Reverie: incampcounselorcabin

Blond Simp: Whhhhhhhy!?

Reverie: hehascomfortablebed

Blond Simp: . . .

Purple Wrestler: Ok, you broke him, I will be there soon

Purple Wrestler is offline

Reverie is offline

Blond Simp: 🎶My mother once told me that I will die🎶

Blond Simp is offline

Little Nedard: ...Okay, that was interesting.

Little Nedard is offline

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