Little helper

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  • Dedicated to Nisali

~story~ Never step in the shack - 3rd chapter~

  I peer around the corner of the book shelf and find a small gnome pacing in circles and mumbling to himself.  
"should i save her……no….last thing i need is for him to catch me instead…but maybe we can destroy him…its got to be here somewhere!" He mutters to himself while rummaging through the books on the shelves and angrily shoving the useless books on the floor, which is all of them so far.  
"Hello…who did you say was gonna capture me?" I begin to say while slowly stepping out of my hiding spot. My brain is analysing every word he said wanting to find answers.
"aaahhhh! get away from me! or I'll…I'll hurt you!" He stutters walking backwards and toppling everything over attempting to stay far away from me.

I stifle a giggle thats trying to escape from my mouth and give him a welcoming smile.
"Im not going to bite!" I say jokily
"Oh i hope not!" He says while wiping dust of his shoulders.  
"That was joke" I say wondering what sort of world he's from.
"Ugh.. Humans and there jokes!" He says sounding disgusted I slowly breathe in and out attempting to keep calm.
"You know I never actually believed that gnomes existed"
His eyes start to twitch and I realise he's taken that rather offensively 
"Well you'll find where I come from rather amusing then" He says keeping calm.   From mythical books I've read Gnomes tend to snap easily so I have to try to stay on his good side until I find what he needs and what I've gotten myself into.
"Where are you from?….." I say trying to figure out all the possible places he might be from.
"I, madam come from a very noble place called Gnomesla land, where gnomes and only gnomes live so they cant be bothered by large creatures" he says while eyeing me up and down while still keeping his distance. 
"oh....." I say because thats the only thing that would come out from my mouth right now. 

"Who did you say wanted to catch me?" I ask very concerned about what might happen.
" wasn't talking to you. I was talking to myself" He said
"Yea i know..but I need to know! Just tell me!" I shout
"NO!" He bellows
Oops...looks like i got on his bad side.
He suddenly went deep red and grew taller every second,
"YOU!! YOU! DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO! " He keeps shouting.
"ok..ok...I understand" I say attempting to calm him down
He goes back to normal but still keeps the deep frown in his face.
"but can you please tell me?" I ask politely
"no, im sorry. I would get in so much trouble!" He says 
"Bye! get out of here as soon as possible, you dont want to be here when they come here!"
with that he was gone in a flash through the wall. 

Never step in the shackWhere stories live. Discover now