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wow. wow wow wow. just wow.

i have no words, anything that comes to mind isn't enough to express how i feel right now. i'm so so beyond grateful for every single one of you who made this possible. i started this book on christmas eve and published it on new years. i remember hitting 500 something reads and being so excited. i cant believe how much we've grown, it's unbelievable. thank you to all who have supported me along the way and helped with this book.

thank you to blairsfortress for helping me write when i was too busy or had no idea what to write. thank you to sophia, kaitvjs and gtfoperez for when i had writer's block and for them giving me ideas. i definitely couldn't make it without them four and their support and friendships long the way. i've made lots of connections but they have been with me the most and are always there whenever and i'm so thankful for that.

and thank you to mel, and haley, who i currently have fell off with, but still text with every once in a while. they've also helped so so much and i'm forever grateful.

and a big thank you to ravenclawgurl16 who inspired me to start the book and methblinds who told me i was going to make it far and too keep it up. i could thank multiple people for many great reasons.

and to those i could thank for bad reasons, thank you for teaching me lessons, and making me be more observant in who i keep around and making me grow.

although i'm not as active as i used to be, i'm always here for every single one of you, and will cherish and love all of you forever.

thank you for 100k.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬: Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now