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[ Third person pov]

"Where is she?!"-Timothee ran into the hospital out of his breath. Millie stood up and put both of her hands on his shoulders.

"Timothée you need to be calm"-Millie had tears in her eyes and mascara stains under her eyes but she was trying to be calm.

"How the fuck am I supposed to be calm? Where is she?"-He tried to get out of Millie's hold and find Olivia but Zendaya stood in front of him.

"Timmy please you have to calm down for her"- they stood there when Timothée broke down.

"It's okay"-Millie hugged the boy and let him cry on her shoulder. She wasn't the biggest fan of him since what he did but she believes that he had changed and she knew he really needed this hug.

He cried on Millie's shoulder as zendaya joined the hug.

"She's strong shell be okay"-Zendaya smiled as tear ran down her cheek.


Timothée was pacing around the waiting room without any good news about Olivia. Only thing he knew that it's not good. She had gotten into pretty big car crash.

Timothée turned around as he heard the door open and he saw doctor. He quickly ran over him and asked how is Olivia.

"She'll live"-Was all he said and smiled.

"Can I see her?"-He asked. He didn't have the greatest look. He had puffy eyes and tear stains on his cheeks from crying.

"No, no one's allowed inside yet"-doctor said and walked away not giving a single emotion.

"What do you mean I can't see her!"-he yelled after him but he didn't answer.

"Fuck it"-Timothée whispered and ran to Olivia's room.

"Timothée no!"-Zendaya yelled and ran after him but it was too late.


When he entered Olivia's room there she was. Sleeping. When he saw the girl he couldn't help but start crying.

"Liv.."-He whispered and sat down next to her.

He hold on her hand and let down few tears.

"I know you can't hear me liv. But I know you can do this, for me. Please. I know you're strong and you can do this cause...you know I won't make it without you liv. I can't lose you again.I need you as much as I need air and you know...I really love you...I really fucking love you Olivia Parker. So please...please"-He couldn't finish cause emotions got the control of him.

"Excuse me sir you're not supposed to be here!"-The doctor came inside of the room and he wasn't happy.

"I'm sorry I can't leave her I-"

"No leave now, it's dangerous"-Timothée didn't wanted to make trouble so he gave in and left the room. Giving the last look back to Olivia. 

[Edited 4/01/22]

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