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[Third person pov]

Olivia and Millie were in Millie's closet trying to find something party appropriate to wear.

"What do you think about this ?"-millie shows Olivia black classy pants with black crop top and blazer.

"Yeah it would look very good on you"-She smiled and kept digging in Millie's closet.

"Not for me dummy, for you"-Millie giggled

"Oh well yeah I think it will be good"

"Okay then get ready cause everyone will be here in few minutes"

"Who did you invite?"

"A lot of people. But I invited Noah, Sadie and some of my friends from set"

"Okay cool"-Olivia started changing.


The party has already started more or less. There was about 20 people in the house already but according to Millie it's not even half which liv wasn't really exited about, she was nervous to be in big crowds but that's why she just went over the table and poured herself a drink.

"Hey Liv! I'm Noah I don't know if you know who I am"- he chuckled as he stood next leaning against the counter.

"Yeah I know you, nice to finally meet you Noah"-Olivia smiled and shook his hand.

"So how you're feeling?"-he tried to make conversation.

"I'm okay...I'm okay ...I'm okay"-She replied. As she said that more the more she realised that she is not okay. Something's missing.

"Are you sure?"-Noah put his glass down and looked at Olivia with worried look.

"Yeah..it's just...I don't know since I came here 2 days ago I'm not feeling like myself, and don't get me wrong I love mills, I like being with her but it doesn't feel ..I don't know I don't feel complete you know?"

"Yes I understand you. Maybe cause it the change of people around you? You just have to get used to it and you'll be okay"

"No. I need something."-She looked down. "Someone"-she corrected.

"Oh I know"-Noah catched what she is talking about. He didn't really knew how to help the girl but he knew he needed to help her.

"Can I hug you?"-he politely asked.

"Please"-She said and practically crushed in the boys arms.

"I don't know why I'm telling you all this Noah. I'm sorry I know you don't want to hear all my problems that doesn't even matter"

"No, I care and I'm here for you. I'll always be. You can come and talk to me anytime"-he stroked her hair and smiled.(it's all platonically!!)

"Thank you Noah. Okay let's go have some fun"-she smiled.

She hear that 'don't stop the music' started playing.

"I love this song! Let's go dance"-she put down her cup and pulled Noah to dance.


"That was fun"-Olivia said after like 10 dances they did.

"Yes"-Noah looked behind Olivia and smiled "I guess I'll better leave now, but see you later"-he gave her happy look and walked away leaving Olivia confused.

"What?"-she tracked him with her eyes. She turned around to walk away but there she saw someone familiar standing behind her.

"Oh my god Timothée!"-She screamed and jumped into his arms. He picked her up and spinned her around.

"What are you doing here?"-she put her hand on his cheek and smiled.

"Millie yesterday told me you're having a party so I ran to plane barely making it but yeah, here I am"-he chuckled "I hope you're not mad I'm here"

"No of course not, why would I be mad? I missed you"-she kissed his cheek and stroked his hair.

"It's been only 2 Days"

"Yeah I know. But I need you like air to breathe. God I'm so attached to you.."-she hold on his hand.

"Me too"-he put two fingers under her chin and kissed her forehead.

"But let's go have some fun now"-He smiled at the girl.


[Edited 4/01/22]

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