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[Third person pov]

"Come on why when I finally find something I've been needing for so damn long it gets taken away from me?"-Olivia was sitting on bench, hugging her knees. This kinda made Timothée happy. Not that they won't be able to hang out but that he was important to her again.

"We still can hang out, we just have to make sure no one sees us"- Timothée put his hand closer to Olivia and looked at her with sad smile.

"I guess you're right"-She sight and rested her head on Timothée's shoulder. He was taken back from her sudden closure but he rested his head on hers.

"Okay so how about today we just fuck the rules and we have the night of our lives and tomorrow we stick to the plan until we're done shooting?"-Olivia rised her head with a smile.



2 378 189 likesLiv

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2 378 189 likes
Liv.Parker he told me "take a picture, it will last longer" and so I did what he said 😌
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Omg that's so cute
He looks so cute
Miss you liv :(
That's why I didn't want her to be friends with Timmy again. She totally forgot about mills and zen.
That's totally not true, I try to find as much time as I can for all of my friends. Now I get to be with Tim more cause of shooting but zen and Mills are literally staying at my place so we see each other every day
Please don't assume that liv betrayed us just because you don't know what's going on in reality
The pic is so cute
Liv answer to dms!
Its livs agent, it's not gonna be good💀

Dms between Sofia and Olivia

You wanna get fired?

What is this about

You know about what



What do you want me to do?

You know you two can't be seen together
Answer me immediately!


Olivia turned off the sound of her phone and put in on counter.

"What do you want to do now?"-Timothee was laying on his bed.

"I don't know"-she sat down next to the boy and he looked into his eyes. These were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. She could watch them for hours and not get tired.

"Remember how we used to cuddle for hours and talk about life"-Olivia stroked her fingers through Timothée's hair.

"I thought you wanted to forget the past and start again"-He said with calm voice while admit the beauty of the girl in front of him.

"Yeah...it's great that we're friends again. These past few years I've been feeling so empty. I didn't knew what to do with myself. I didn't see point of anything. I lost myself and I wasn't me. But now that I'm with you again I finally feel like myself. It's so weird I tried to hate you but I couldn't. There is something about you that just doesn't let me hate you. You're so pure and understanding I just feel like you're the one who can understand me without me saying anything. You can read me like an open book. And when I'm with you I just feel alive it's like...it's like you're my home. I feel safe around you"-Timothée listened to the girl with a smile on his face. Never in hundred years he would think he meant so much to the girl.

"I can only say the same about you liv. Youre so important to me and I know it's too fast to say that but ...I'm very happy to have you back"-Olivia smiled at Timothée. She took his hand and intertwined their fingers together.

"I should be getting home"-Olivia said not breaking the eye contact she had with Timothée.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow"


Olivia got into her car feeling a lot of emotions. She felt butterflies in her stomach while thinking about her today's moments with Timothée.

She decided to call zendaya and tell that she's going home.

The road was full of cars even in night so it made her stressed.

"Hello?"-zendeya said as she picked up the phone

"I'm coming home"-Olivia said

"Okay I'm waiting for you"


Olivia was cut off by loud noise and scream.


[Edited 4/01/22]

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