1.12 'tis the season

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December 1991 - Third-person

A couple weeks later, Christmas season rolled in. The great hall was decorated with streamers and Christmas lights. A large fir tree stood at the end of the hall, sparkling and glowing in all it's glory. The corridors were covered with holly wreaths and the odd branch of mistletoe hung from the archways. The kitchen was teeming with warm smells such as gingerbread and cinnamon. It was Christmas eve and Nessa was sat at the Gryffindor table with Harry and Ron, spectating a rather brutal game of wizard's chess,

"Knight to E-5." Harry told the board, a piece moved slowly into position

Ron stared at the board, thoroughly thinking his next move. He sat up with a smug look and called out "Queen to E-5." the chess piece moved towards the space then swung at Harry's piece, breaking it in half. Ron sniggered as Harry slammed his fist on the table in defeat, Nessa laughed quietly at the pair's dramatic behaviour.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione walked up to them, dragging a large case behind her.

"That's wizard's chess. " Ron sat back, the smugness still present in his smile "I see you've packed." he looked at her case

"See you haven't." she replied

"Change of plans, My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!"

"Good. You can help Nessa and Harry, then. They're going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel."

"We've looked a hundred times!" he threw his hands in the air

"Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas" she grinned and walked away

"I think we've had a bad influence on her." Nessa said.

"You could say that" agreed Harry.

"I'm gonna go say goodbye to other people, i'll see you guys later" Nessa walked off, out of the hall.


I walked down to the Slytherin common room as thoughts rushed through my head, should I say goodbye to Romeo?should I tell him sorry? or that I forgive him? or I could keep ignoring him. No, i'll say merry Christmas. Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm not being too mean and i'm still letting him know I care, good idea Nessa. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door to his dormitory and waited for a reply. Romeo opened the door, his green and silver scarf tied around his neck. He looked up from the door straight into my eyes, his eyes widened, surprised I was there. "Ness, um hey" he awkwardly stumbled over his words "Is there something you needed?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas Romeo" I smiled warmly and meant it,

"Thanks, you too" he replied as he walked past me and left, a bright smile plastered across his face. It felt good to talk to him again, even if it was only for a little while. As much as I hate to admit it, I really miss him.

Christmas morning

I woke up and my stomach was bubbling with excitement, Christmas was one of my most favourite days of the year! My happiness dropped a little when I realised it would be my first Christmas morning without Lukas, and going down to the common room I realised it would be my first Christmas alone because the whole of Slytherin house went home for the holidays.  But it's okay, I could still spend the rest of the day with Lukas and his friends.

The common room had been decorated with a Christmas tree standing next to the fire place, it sparkled brightly as the warm fire reflected off the shining ornaments (which were silver and green of course). There was a small pile of presents underneath which I assumed were mine. I sat down at the bottom of the tree, wrapped up in my pajamas and began singing to myself as I looked at the presents,

"Valentine?" my singing was interrupted and I abruptly turned around to face the questioning voice. My eyes widened as I saw who it was. Of course it was Malfoy, with my luck, I could literally be stuck with anyone else for Christmas. He was wrapped up in an emerald green dressing gown as he rubbed his eyes, adjusting to the light; his usually slicked back hair was hanging messily over his eyes and it made him look much less harsh. "Why are you up so early," he yawned "And why are you singing?" his nose scrunched up.

"Um yes," I was quite embarrassed for him to hear that "I didn't realise anyone else was staying here for the holidays." I regathered myself as the heat in my cheeks faded away,

"I didn't realise I was either, until I received an owl from my parents last week telling me they were going to visit my aunt and they'd rather have me here."

"Oh, well do you wanna open our presents together? It's Christmas after all so we may as well get along." I think that would make the whole situation less awkward.

"Sure" he sat down on the floor next to me and began to search the pile for his presents.

After opening the presents, we were left with a towering pile of rubbish and a small group of presents. I got a scarf from Mrs Weasley, a muggle book called 'Pride and Prejudice' from Hermione, a chocolate frog from Harry and a woven bracelet from Romeo (which I thought was incredibly sweet but Malfoy thought it was weird as we hadn't spoken in weeks). Malfoy had a larger stack of presents from his parents, but he didn't seem bothered much by the expensive gifts, in fact he looked rather disappointed. The same hollow, sad expression stayed on his face as he trudged up the stairs back to his room. I wonder what that was about.

I told myself not to bother with Malfoy's unusual behaviour as it usually leads to trouble, I went to my dorm and got dressed. I met in the hall with Lukas and his friends for our usual Christmas breakfast of pancakes with golden syrup. Instantly, I rolled my eyes at the sight of Lukas and Cedric's matching jumpers, of course I expected it but they were starting to outgrow them,

"Don't look at us like that, you knew we'd be wearing them." Cedric laughed as he and Lukas ran over to me and swiftly lifted me onto their shoulders, taking me by surprise.

"I know, I just figured you'd learnt your lesson since they cut off the circulation in your arms last year." I giggled.

"Pfttt, cmon dimples, don't be such a Grinch. It's our tradition." Lukas chimed in,

"Don't call me that," I frowned "We all know who the real Grinch is."
Our heads all turned to the melancholy professor with greasy black hair and an evil sneer, he must've noticed because his head slowly turned our way but we all snapped our heads back to the table and laughed. The boys lowered me down and we sat on the benches of the Hufflepuff table,

"That man will never fail to creep me out." Poppy spoke up from beside Cedric, she was a quiet and shy girl from Gryffindor with long brown hair and deep brown eyes. Lukas goes on about how in love with her he is but I also knew how in love her and Cedric are, it makes me feel sorry for him but he always tells me its okay. There were only two other people sat with us, Tommy and Layla, who were in Hufflepuff with Cedric. For once, this Christmas, I felt out of place. A Slytherin amongst Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs would usually be unheard of.

"Enough stalking weird potions professors, I wanna give Nessie presents now." Layla diffused the tension, jumping about excitedly, making her wild black curls bounce. She was always happy and she absolutely adored me, as if I was a new puppy. Everyone nodded in agreement and brought out each of their own small brightly coloured boxes, placing them in front of me. 

"Aww you guys didn't need to get me anything." I told them, obviously I knew they would but I couldn't expect it, that would seem rude.

"Shut upp, we know you wanna open them so just do it." Cedric laughed. I giggled after breaking my act and began to open them.


Leaving the hall, I had a big smile on my face and handfuls of goodies. Cedric brought me a broom maintenance kit which he probably should have given me after Lukas gave me a Broom. But I got a broom! My first ever broom! That really puts the jumper I got him to shame, knowing he would have had to spend all the money he has on the broom. Poppy brought me a new quill set, Layla brought a hat with a fuzzy bobble and Tommy gave me a large pack of sugar quills, which are my favourite!

silver // a draco malfoy fanfiction // years 1-3 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now