1.4 faction before blood...oh wait wrong book

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September 1991 - Third Person

The students were given the weekend to unpack and settle in their dorms Nessa decided to finally move out of her bedroom in the Gryffindor tower as she felt she would fit in better in Slytherin if she stayed with the other girls. The girls in her dorm were nice, she thought, as nice as Slytherins could be. Her and Romeo spent the weekend mostly in the library, looking through the large selection of muggle books and laughing at the obscure fairy tales of princesses and frogs. She had not yet built up the courage to talk to her Gryffindor friends, not even her own brother, those conversations would be left for another day.

Monday morning came and Nessa was excited as ever, today would be the first day of classes. She was most looking forward to potions, the subject had always fascinated her, even when she was really little. She would sit in the back of professor Snape's classroom mixing test tubes of bubble water, she didn't know that but it was all the same to a four year old.

Waking up extra early, she got dressed into her robes and threw her hair up into a messy ponytail. Remembering to put on her glasses, she ran out of her dorm and across the hall to find Romeo. walking up to his dorm, she knocked on the door.
"yes?" Romeo called out from inside the room,

"hey Rome, it's Nessa. You decent?"

"Morally no, but I'm wearing clothes if that's what you mean." he opened the door as she rolled her eyes at him

"C'mon, let's go down for breakfast or we'll be late for transfiguration."



We had arrived at transfiguration as Professor McGonagall was sorting out a seating plan,
"Miss Bones and Mr Crabbe" she pointed to a desk at the back.
"Mr Malfoy and Mr Lestrange" I guess I don't get to sit with Romeo then.
"Miss Granger and Miss Valentine" oh no, I wonder if she's mad at me too for being in Slytherin.
I walked over to my seat, shooting a quick smile at Hermione and sat down. She smiled brightly back, her eyes smiling complimentarily. Good, so she's not faking it and she's not mad. I felt muscles relax that I didn't realise I was tensing as a wave of relief washed over me.

Professor McGonagall had handed out parchment and asked us to copy what she had written on the blackboard. She then transformed into a tabby cat and sat on her desk, watching the class. Impressive.
The large double doors suddenly burst open as a very out-of-breath Ron and Harry fell into the room,
"Good, we made it," Ron breathed out "could you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late!" oh no.
McGonagall leapt off her desk and transfigured back to herself, staring down at the two boys.
"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron stood wide-eyed,

"Thank you for that assessment Mr Weasley," their faces dropped "perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter or yourself into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time"

"We got lost" Harry admitted,

"Then perhaps a map! I trust you don't need one to find your seats" she looked down at the desk in front of her.

The two boys sheepishly sat down, getting out their quills. I tried to get their attention to hopefully talk things over but they were completely oblivious.
"He'll get over it you know, Harry clearly never had a problem. Ron's just struggling with the shock of things," I turned to Hermione who was trying to reassure me, it felt good to hear. I smiled weakly at her, "And don't worry, I don't believe such stereotypes, you're still the same person to me."
"Thanks Hermione"



"Come on Rome we don't wanna be late!" I dragged Romeo by the arm as we ran down to the dungeons

"No Ness, you don't wanna be late," he sighed "I however, couldn't care less"

Ignoring his whining, I continued running down the corridor until I collided with someone, falling over and taking Romeo down with me. Why does this keep happening to me! I look up to see a hand held out, I grab it and pull myself up.
"You really gotta start looking where you're going Nessie" Lukas?
I look up and I'm met with my idiot brother grinning down at me, handing me my glasses that had once again fallen off.
"Sorry Lu, you know i'm not too good at that," he doesn't seem mad at me "hey Rome, you go ahead, I'll be there soon." he nodded and carried on down the corridor. I turn to Lukas and open my mouth to speak-

"Before you say anything Ness," Lukas' face turned serious "I want you to know that even though you were placed in Slytherin, you're still my little sister. It doesn't change what I think of you, no matter what tradition our mum's family had. You seem to forget that our dad came from a long line of Slytherins, someone was bound to be placed there, I just didn't expect it to be you."

"I'm pretty sure you just covered every point I was gonna make in a very well-planned argument, I've been planning it  for days  in the shower and you're not even mad!" I laughed at myself, but of course relieved that he didn't want to burn me alive.

"Yeah, sorry to disappoint you dimples. As much as I hate you, I love you" a breathy laugh escaped his lips.

"And as much as I hate you, I love you too," I replied with a big smile  "I better go now though, I'm late for potions."

"Alright, don't let the grease monster get to ya, see you around Nessie" Lukas waved as he walked away.
I bolted towards the dungeons, running down the stairs and burst through the door into the potions classroom. Realising I hadn't yet been noticed, I tiptoed across the room and sat in the empty seat next to Romeo.

"Come on Rome we don't wanna be late," he began to mock me "look who's late now." he dragged out the 'ow'.
"shut up" I rolled my eyes at him with a grin.

"Miss Valentine," I turned to see Snape looking down at my desk "so nice of you to join us but i'm afraid you're not in your assigned seat" oops.
"sorry sir, I was talking to-"

"I do not care, just don't be late again. Your seat is next to Mr Malfoy. Move now," oh god no, anyone but Malfoy.
I picked up my books and moved to the back of the class as Snape turned to the rest of the class, "Where you sit now shall be your seat and working group for the rest of the year. For those of you in pairs, you may find certain tasks more challenging with only two of you so my assistance may be allowed when necessary"
Well this is fantastic, I have to sit next to this guy for a whole year now! And I thought just being at school with him was bad enough. But I guess he is in my house now though, I could at least try to be civil,

"Hey Malfoy, I know you got this whole reputation thing going on but could we just...get along maybe?"
"Look we're kinda stuck together here, so we might aswell make the best of  it. Besides I hate fighting with someone who's supposed to be in the same house as me,"
"Or you could just not talk to me....that works too."
I think I change my mind, this could be a long year...

silver // a draco malfoy fanfiction // years 1-3 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now