1.6 we gave a 16-year-old boy marge simpson hair

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October 1991 - Third-person

Bella, Lukas, Fred and George sprinted down the staircase of Gryffindor tower, laughing their heads off, the momentum blew their hair backwards as they ran. George ran carrying a large container with Fred trailing not far behind. Bella, not being particularly athletic, tried to catch up with her arms flailing about as if they'd help her run faster. Lukas led the group as they ran towards the moving staircases.
"Do you think we lost him?" Fred called out

"I think so, for now at least." Lukas tried to catch his breath, bending over with his hands on his knees for support. Fred and George were clinging to the wall,

"Did.....you.....see....the look on.....his.....face?!" Bella tried to say through her giggle fit, nearly falling on Lukas.

"I'M GONNA KILL ALL OF YOU!!" a very angry and very blue Percy appeared at the end of the hall, his fists clenched and a large vein was popping out of his forehead. A deathly glare was present on his face as he stared down the group.

"Oh no" George gulped. They all bolted down the stairs as Percy ran after them.

"Quick this way!" Lukas lead them down the nearest corridor, leading towards the great hall. They followed him further and further until going around the corner, they ran into the back of professor Snape, Lukas held his arms out to prevent anyone falling into him. Obviously hearing the commotion, Snape turns around, sneering suspiciously at them.

"And where might you all be off to in such a rush?" he narrowed his eyes. Nobody needed to answer. Percy stormed around the corner, his hair shining a bright blue. "Mr Weasley..." Snape was left speechless, sick of putting up with the pranks of this meddlesome group, he cut straight to the point "I suggest you find a reversing spell for this Mr Valentine, all of you will join me for separate detentions this Saturday. If this behaviour continues, consider yourselves busy every Saturday for the rest of the year, do I make myself clear?" they all nodded sheepishly, "And you Miss Valentine, I should expect better from a Slytherin. As for the rest of you, I suggest you return to your dormitories immediately." he turned sharply and walked away, his long black cloak flying behind him.

"So...how about same time next week nerds?" Lukas asked the others with a mischievous grin,

"I'd love to Lu but I don't fancy getting into trouble again, I kinda like my Saturdays," Bella replied. Everyone looked at her in disbelief "Oh my god! You guys are so gullible. Of course we're doing this again! You should've seen your faces, I  got you good. But seriously though, when would I ever wanna miss out on winding up Percy? It's basically a hobby at this point."

"You worried me for a sec there Nessie" Fred puffed out as if he was holding his breath,

"I better go find Rome, he's probably curled up in a corner rocking by this point," the others frowned at her questionably "I left him  with Theodore Nott, who, by the way, is a handful. So i'm gonna go rescue him, i'll see you around" she waved to the boys and walked down to the Slytherin common room.


"For the last time Nott, I did NOT eat your cinnamon swirl" I heard Romeo furiously shouting as I walked through the portrait hole. He was sat on the leather sofa by the fireplace with his hands on the sides of his head, gripping at his hair.
Theo was leaning over the arm of the sofa, grinning innocently at me as I walked into the room.

"Bella, Bella, my best friend!" he teasingly mocked my name "Would you please tell Romeo to stop eating my snacks," his smile widened as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear,

"I'M ALLERGIC TO CINNAMON" Romeo screamed, holding his hands out before smacking himself on the forehead "I don't know how many times I have to tell you!" he was clearly fed up with Theo's taunting. I rolled my eyes at  the pair of them and laughed,

"Theo I ate your cinnamon swirl, it was just left on the desk. I had no idea, I'm sorry"

"Well if you ate it then that's okay, I can forgive you." he threw his arm over my shoulder and kissed the side of my head, throwing a scowl at Romeo before walking up to the dormitories. I don't think i'll ever understand that boy.

"What the hell was that?!" Romeo stood up and flung his arms out, gesturing to where Theo just left "I deal with his whining accusations all morning, driving me close to insane. Then you come in and suddenly it's all 'Bella, Bella! oh you can have my cinnamon swirl any time you want!' Why does everyone love you? I'm gorgeous too you know!" he throws himself back onto the sofa, dramatically placing a hand across his forehead causing fits of giggles to erupt from my mouth. "Well i'm glad someone finds it funny." Romeo rolled his eyes.

"So I take it your morning wasn't as fun as you'd planned"

"You think?"

I giggled and jumped onto the sofa next to him.
The afternoon that followed was peaceful. Romeo and I sat in the common room, eating and gazing out the windows at the various species of marine animals that swam past gracefully. We marvelled at the giant squid, it's long tentacles pushing itself along as it swam past the window, swirling the green lake water in spirals as it moved.

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