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After I went upstairs and freshen up I went to my room and fell on my bed with a groan and soon after I fell asleep...

~In dream~

I opened my eyes to find myself in a sewer drain? I felt chraka up ahead so I quickly and quietly walked to the source of the chraka and when I got there i was shocked to find a cage and red eyes starring at me.

“the nine tales” I say in utter shocked the nine tales looked at me in shock than it quickly regained itself. Your not afraid of me young one?" I smiled and shook my head.

“No, am I supposed to be?” He thinks about it before he shakes his head and gave me a foxy grin. well most are young one and your different than the others I don't know why but I feel drawn to you even when you were in your mothers womb, your presence feels comfortable and safe I haven't feel this in years.”  my eyes widen at his confession.

“I don't know why but I have been told the same thing multiple times I don't understand it but ya know... wait you said that you have felt this way since I was in my mothers womb does that mean that my mother is your jinchuriki?”  I ask and he smiled sadly at me and nods.

yes kit your mother is my jinchuriki I was resealed into your mother before my last container Mito Uzumamki died if you don't mind kit I have a question for you why aren't you scared of me kit? After all we are attacking or attacked humans” I smile and shake my head.

“I'm not scared of you nine-San I just believe that all nine of you are just miss understood and arnt truly he'll bent on killing humans I also believe that you were and are just protecting yourself because of humanity is scared of the power that all of you hold or that they are hell bent of gaining power and want to use you all for gain power. What's your name... if you don't mind me asking... gah im sorry I'm rambling I can't help it ya know?”I said with a faint blush the nine tales was beyond shocked and was still processing all of what I said to him and he suddenly chuckles.

“My name is Kurama kit and you never did tell me yours?My eyes widen. “Ohh my name is Asa Uzumaki Namikaze ya know” I smiled before my eyes widen when I start to glow. “Kurama-San what's happening?” I panicked. “Don't worry kit your just wakening up” my eyes widen “will I be able to see you again?” Kurama chuckled yes kit you will now go on it's ok” I nod ”see you soon Kurama”  I say and he smiled see you soon kit” he mutters quietly but I still catch it.

~end dream~

I woke up and smiled at the meeting Kurama had and I looked at the clock and it read 6:40 I sighed and got up and walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready to meet my fathers team.

After I got dressed it was 6:50 I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen and I saw momma putting a plate of food on the table she must of noticed me because she looked up and smiled.

“Good I was wondering if I had to come and get you ya know” I smiled sheepishly “ahh Gomen I guess I was really tired last night ya know” momma laughed.

“It's alright just set down and eat before your late” I nod and sit down and began to eat after I got down I got up and put my plate in the sink and was about to wash it but momma stops me.

“Go before your late bean” she said after kissing my head “ok see you later momma” she smiled “see you” I walked to the front door and put my shoes on and walked out the door and I teleported to the hokage office out side.

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