Part 10

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Asa's POV:

I wake up with a groan and roll over to see that it's 7:00am, 30 minute's before my alarm I let out another groan seeing as I won't be able to fall back asleep before setting up and stretching. I bones pop and I let out a satisfied sigh before throwing the covers off and making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the light and look in the mirror to see my hair is a mess, I giggle before taking my hair out of the braid and set the hair tie on my bathroom counter.

I walk over to the shower and turn it on I walk out of the bathroom and into my room making my way to my dresser and pulling out my Ninja outfit and taking it to the bathroom. I shut the door and put my outfit on my counter next to the hair tie and start to undress and once I do I get into the shower. I let out a happy sigh as I feel the warm water travel down my body I quickly start to wash up and once I do I turn off the water and grab my towel. I dry myself off before I step out of the shower I walk over to the sink and I wash my face before brushing my teeth and putting on my Ninja outfit.

I turn off the bathroom light and walk out and I glance over at my clock to see it's 7:45 am. My eyes widen and I rush over to my dresser where my weapon pouch is at and I quickly put it on and rush out the door and down the stairs and just as I'm about to step off the bottom step I'm picked up from behind making me sequel, I look behind me to see it's just papa and I huff and look at him unamused and he just smirks.

"Really Papa?" he shrugs still smirking "What?" he asks innocently before tickling my sides making me squeal and squirm in his grasp as he starts to walk. I don't realize we are in the kitchen until papa sets me down in my seat and I see momma in front of me smiling amused, making me blink. "Come on least eat shall we?" momma asks still smiling amused and we start to eat and after we eat  and chat for a while I look at the clock it's 8:25 and my eyes widen.

"Oh! I'm going to be late!" I exclaim making both of their eyes to widen and momma quickly stands up as I do and she usher's me to the door and I quickly put my shoes on. Momma quickly leans down and presses a kiss to the side of my head and papa who comes out of nowhere as always and he also leans down and ruffles my hair, I laugh softly before I wave goodbye and rush out of the door and quickly teleport to the hokage's office. I blink and I'm outside side of the hokage's office and I walk in and wave at the receptionist and she smiles and motions for me to go on I give her one last wave before walking on threw and once I get to the office door I knock.

"Come in." I faintly hear Sensei replying to my knock and I open the door and walk in and close the door behind me, once I'm in the room I see Uncle Jiraiya and I raise a eyebrow. Sensei and I make eye contact and he smiles. "Ahh, Asa~chan! Right on time!" he exclaims happily and I smile slightly before I feel the atmosphere grow serious so I naturally do as well, Sensei motions for the ANBU to preform a private seal and the both of ours eyes narrow.

"Now that your here Asa~san we can discuss the mission. So Asa~san you'll be paired with Jiraiya to gather information and take down a Iwa camp, if necessary which I afraid will be. The mission will take two months to complete and will be on the down low from everyone except who are in this room now, are we clear?" Sensei orders sternly leaving us with no room to argue.
"Yes sir." Uncle Jiraiya and I reassure in sync and Sensei nods sharply before continuing.

"The reason this needs to be on the down low is because I have gotten wind of the possibility of a traitor among us, now I'm not saying it's true but I'm not denying it either. So to be on the safe side seeing as you two are some of the only ones I can trust right now I'm asking you two to do this because I trust that it will go smoothly and this can be a learning experience for Asa." he informs is making both of ours eyes widen in shock. "Sensei, do you know who or suspect who could be the traitor?" Uncle Jiraiya asks with furrowed brows and Sensei shakes his head. "No but I will figure it out and if I do you two will be some of the first ones to know." Sensei responds reassuringly making him nod.

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