Not A Part But Important!

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Hello my fellow potato's, it's been a while! I'm sorry for not updating, but I promise you guys will be getting an update soon! I have just had no motivation to come up with anything to write. I managed to muster up the will to write again and I realized how many errors there are with my story, when I was reading the chapters to get caught up on where I am at.

Like who types parsley instead of partially? 🤦‍♀️😂😭
Anyway! I'm going to put my story on hold until I can fix all the errors and complete the next chapter of this book. Hopefully fixing all of the errors won't take long so I can quickly finish and publish the new chapter! I hope everyone is having or will have a great day! Good bye and I will try my best to make the updates to the story fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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