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Asa POV:

I woke up really early and got up to go get dressed and after I went down stairs and I was greeted by my mom cooking a small breakfast.

"Good morning momma." I said as I sat down at the table. She turned around and smiled.

"Good morning did you sleep well?" She asks softly.

"Yes ma'am is papa on a mission?" I ask curious on his wear-bouts.

"Yes he is but he will be back tomorrow morning if not later tonight." Momma explained.

"oh ok" I at my breakfast and after to got don't I walked to the sink and I help mom wash dishes. Then we went to the door and got on my ninja sandals on and we walked to the academy we said our goodbyes and I walk inside and set down,then a ravin haired boy with goggles came up to me and asked me is he could set next to me and I of course let him I mean even tho I am really shy but I pushed my shyness behind me and told him that he could.

He told me that his name was Obito. Then a couple of minutes later the boy that I almost ran into the other day walked into the class I guessed because all the girls excepted for me squealed. I turned my head and I saw the gravity defined grey haired boy from the other day and I gave him a quick small smile and turned back around to talk to obito. Then not even five minutes later Aden sensei came in and started to teach so me and Obito had to listen.

Kakashi pov:
I woke up to my alarm blaring so I did the next best thing I smashed it with my fist.(wow aggressive much) I got up and walked to my bathroom and took a shower and got dressed and walked downstairs to my kitchen and made a small breakfast, I finished my breakfast and looked at the clock and it was 7:50. I sighed and got up and washed my dishes and put my mask up and walked out the door to the academy.

As soon as I walked into the door of the academy I was surrounded by fan girls which included all of the girls besides a red headed girl. She was talking to a ravin haired boy with goggles. She looked over at me for a splet second and I swear I saw her smile and turn back around to continue talking with the boy.I just sat down in my seat and got out my book and started to read in till our sensei, Aden Sensei(idk I just added a radom name) came in and started to teach the class so I put my book up and sadly started to listen.

Still Kakashi's POV:

Aden sensei was just finishing up talking when a ninja came in and asked for Asa the red headed girl to come with him.

"So that's her name" I told my self. Then Aden sensei told us that we could go so I went to my house and started to read my book and then I got up and got up to go do my night routine and then I passed out wondering what the ninja needed Asa for.

Asa POV:
Aden sensei was finishing up talking when a ninja came in and asked for me. Sensei looked at the ninja then at me and nodded so I got up and followed him. Me and the ninji walked out of the room and he said that we were going to the hokage office. We arrived at the hokages office and the ninja knocked on the door. We heard a soft "come in" and then we opened the door and walked in and lord third looked up from his paper work and smiled at us.

"Ahh thank you Max (again another random name) for being Asa her your dismissed" Max then nodded his head and bowed and left.I was highly confused why lord third summoned me here in tell he spoke up.

"Asa you must be wondering why I called you here, aren't you?" He asks.

"Yes sir." he smiled and then Motioned me to come closer and I did and he then smiled again.

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