chapter 20

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{Third person pov}

"TaNjIro i'M bOrEdd!!!" Douma said shaking Tanjiro back and forth. "aNd I CaN'T AnNoY tHat BUle StRipE SnOwFlAckkkEEee" Douma said dramatically falling on the floor, and you might be wondering why Douma can't annoy Akaza is because he out hunting.

"Douma I'm buuuusssy!" Tanjiro said getting out of Douma's grip and going back to what he was doing, then they both heard a window breaks.

Suddenly a dagger was flung though the window, aimed right at Tanjiro's face, but Douma had blocked it right before it hit him. Another one came in though the window again, and Douma caught it "hmm.." Douma hummed as for Tanjiro was in shock, about to fall on the floor. When Douma caught him.

(You wish that was you huh?)

Douma walked over to the window. To see a wanna be slayer. "Ugh. What do you want you parasite?" Douma said fanning his self "I-I was told to come kill t-the DEMON Tanjiro!" He yelled clearly shaking. "Well then if you kill the 'demon' Tanjiro, why did they bring the weakest one first?" Douma said grinning creeply. The guys realizing he's gonna die runs for his life. As for Douma he went to go play a game with the boy running for his life.

Tanjiro on the other hand was still in complete shock. "What happened? I heard glass breaking." Kokushibo said walking in the room. "What the hell happened!" Daki said walking in the run with her brother. Then see saw Tanjiro at the scene "Was it your fault? Human!?" Daki said walking towards Tanjiro. But Gyutaro stopped her. She looked at him, he shook his head. She just walked away angrily, and Gyutaro follow her behind.

"What the hell is douma doing outside?" Akaza said coming through a door "he tried to kill me.." Tanjiro said rubbing his neck. "OH my god.. are you okay!?" Akaza said running over to Tanjiro, grabbing his cheeks, lightly caressing his soft cheeks "I'm fine..!" Tanjiro said holding his hands. "Okay..?" Tanjiro said kissing Akaza's nose. Akaza sighed in relief. Pulling him into his chest.

"Uhh.. I'm still here." Kokushibo said breaking the loving moment. "Tanjiro~" Douma said walking through the door "Ugh. Snowflake is back" Douma said crossing his arms, Tanjiro let go of Akaza and opened his arms "stop being a big baby Douma" Tanjiro said as Douma hugged Tanjiro.



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And also sorry for note posting for like foreverr soo~ idk

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